Battlestar Galactica
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Battlestar Galactica Videos
If I'm the thief, you are the joker.
The old series was dated and by far a cosmic fantasy. It didn't hold any form of realism that we could relate too. It was too far out there. It was more or less appealing to my innocence and naivety. The re-imagined BSG does not.
It wa... read more
(texto em português)
Sábado, graças aos Deuses chega mais um final de semana e com ele a proximidade de um feriado, muita gente deve ter aproveitado para viajar, mas sábado foi dia de Battlestar Galactica e quem viu com certeza não se arrependeu.
Depois de um episódio relativamente fraco, vamos dizer mediano, a série volta com tudo, para alguns esse ... read more
03x03 - Battlestar Galactica - Exodus -
(texto em portugues)
Graças aos deuses chegou o dia do terceiro episódio da terceira temporada, um episódio que no nome já anuncia uma seqüência, portanto o final com certeza nos deixa esperando muito pelo próximo episódio.
Logo de cara retomamos o final do episódio anterior, com Cally sendo libertada, e saindo correndo, e ouvimos os tiros ao longe, po... read more
UPC: 025192792823

Update feed

""Daybreak: Part 1, 2, and 3" Air Dates: March 13, and March 20, 2009 "See you on the other side." "

""Lay Down Your Burdens, Part 2" Glenne Campbell, Cali Newcomen, Glenna Owen "

"It has so many contradictions and important shit that makes no fucking sense. The Cylon plan is utter nonsense and they can be really fucking stupid. It has good stuff, especially in solo episodes with no direct tie to the overarching plot, but, the structure of the story is fundamentally broken. Sesason 1 is the best and is only a 7, so..."

"The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pa"

"The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pa"

"Developed by: Ronald D. Moore and David Eick Based on the TV series by: Gary A. Larson Airdate: October 18, 2004 – March 20, 2009 "

"Wow! Dark, ugly and unrelentingly bleak. Building on the 2003 mini-series, it jumped on post-9/11 angst, grabbed you by the scruff of your neck and dragged you to those dark places sci-fi TV heretofore didn't talk about."

"Athena-Cylon/Helo-Human Sharon: "I made a choice to wear a uniform, to be a person." Helo: "You were a person before you put on that uniform, okay? You were a person before I fell in love with you. You don't have to prove tha"