The Time Machine (1960)
list by Dark Warrior
list by ToonHead2102
list by Agent Kermit D. Fonz
The Time Machine Videos
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Time after time.
A Victorian Englishman travels to the far future and finds that humanity has divided into two hostile species.
Rod Taylor: H. George Wells
This is my ultimate classic! Watched this countless times when I was a boy! The air headed Eloi and their passive nature. The creepy Morlocks. I love the way when he uses the ti... read more
UPC: 663286201143
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"Reason for the future sucking: Earth is separated into two groups, one who are super mutants, and the other being humans who revert back into our stone age ancestors. All thanks to nuclear war. Year it takes place: 802,701"
" First Viewing Viewing Date: July 30th Via: Binge Plot: A scientist constructs a time machine, and uses it to travel many thousands of years into the future where he finds that humanity has divided into two hostile warring species. Rating: 7.7/10 Why Did I Watch It? I was interested in watching the remake which is a cheap rental on iTunes currently, so I figured I should watch the original movie first."
"Day 10 - Favorite classic movie Time travel, Rod Taylor, Morlocks. Need I say more?"
“I love this film, and so does my dad, much better than the style over substance remake. In fact, both of us feel it is a huge favourite of ours and looking at the film's charms it isn't hard to see why. The special are still very charming and stylish- not dated to me, and the story is a haunting and speculative one that sticks to the spirit of HG Wells's marvellous story well. The set design is wonderful, the script like the story is imaginative, the pace is brisk and the direction is great. The acting while not the film's best asset is still good with Rod Taylor likable enough as the inventor. Overall, a big favourite and definitely worth a watch. 10/10 Bethany Cox” read more
" FilmStruck- 1hr. 43min. First Viewing While it's not the marvel today that it was nearly 60 years ago, The Time Machine is a fun matinee throwback to a cinematic age where the mere prospect of time travel was enough to stir the imagination. Monthly Wesley AwardsBest Classic Picture Best Classic Cinematography- Paul C. Vogel Best Classic Production Design- George Davis & William Ferrari and Keogh Gleason & Henry Grace Best Costume Design (Fantasy) Best Visual Effects"
" THE TIME MACHINE (1960) Kathy; Kandi. Total Score: 16 points. "