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____Little WhishList____
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Spaceships-Space Travels-Space Stations
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The complete list of all Sci-fi movies I have seen;
divided in sub-genres and approximately ordered
from the most relevant/most liked to the less.
- Spaceships - Space travels - Space stations
- Timetravel
- Time Loops
- On the Moon
- On Mars
- On Jupiter's moons
- On other plantets - Open space
- Underwater
- Aliens - Creatures
- Alien invasion
- Alien abducions
- Dystopian
- Artificial intelligence - Cyborgs - Replicants
- Virtuality
- Based on earth - Action - Others
- Special powers
- Apocalyptic
- Post apocalyptic
- Meteor fall
- Contamination
- Sci-fi comedy
divided in sub-genres and approximately ordered
from the most relevant/most liked to the less.
- Spaceships - Space travels - Space stations
- Timetravel
- Time Loops
- On the Moon
- On Mars
- On Jupiter's moons
- On other plantets - Open space
- Underwater
- Aliens - Creatures
- Alien invasion
- Alien abducions
- Dystopian
- Artificial intelligence - Cyborgs - Replicants
- Virtuality
- Based on earth - Action - Others
- Special powers
- Apocalyptic
- Post apocalyptic
- Meteor fall
- Contamination
- Sci-fi comedy
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22 votes
To Watch II - Film Lists
(152 lists)list by PulpRoman
Published 5 years, 6 months ago