Melancholia (2011)
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Melancholia Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
I smile, and I smile, and I smile...
Two sisters find their already strained relationship challenged as a mysterious new planet threatens to collide into the Earth.
Kirsten Dunst: Justine
When going to see a Lars Von Trier film you know you are in for something different, something unusual, something truly sho... read more
Each of the leading film is meticulously disguised, which leads to two paths: Lars wanted to communicate something through acts appar... read more
Update feed
"FORMAT: 35mm CONDITION: ★★★½ NOTES: The opening montage of nightmares undergoes plenty of dust and crackling sounds – which surprisingly heightens the apocalyptic terror – but apart from four hints of damage, the rest of the print looks just fine. It was hard for one to tell most of the time that it was an actual print, considering that it was mostly shot on digital handheld. DATE: June 24th 2024 CINEMA: The Prince Charles Cinema LOCATION: West End"
"SCREENING: 35mm DATE: June 24th CINEMA: The Prince Charles Cinema LOCATION: West End"
" Ofelia, John Everett Millais (1851) Melancholia, Lars von Trier (2011)"
“While Melancholia is not a perfect film and I can totally understand the polarisation, I found myself very much impressed by it. Some of the dialogue is rather awkward, one or two of the characters sketchy and there are a few ideas that are were introduced and broached but could have been explored more. The pros outweigh the cons though, because it is a ravishing film to look at. The settings are breathtaking, and while the cinematography has a technique that is not going to be everybody's cup of tea Melancholia was an example of its utilisation being effective and somewhat necessary. The music is likewise amazing, Wagner's Tristan and Isolde is one of my favourite pieces and was in sync with the visuals perfectly, very like a symphony on film. The story, while slowly paced, has emotional ” read more
"Larssin poika yrittää olla hetkisen, humaani? Ei toki. Kyllä tämänkin juuttien provomestarin kädenjäljeksi nopeasti tunnistaa. Tehokeinot tällä kertaa vain huomattavasti hienovaraisemmat. Sinänsä mukavaa vaihtelua. Masennuksen kuvaus ja etenkin selittelemättömyys pelkkää plussaa. Lisää pojoja katselukokemukseen vielä rivitaloasuntoon loihditussa surround-äänihässäkässä. Hyvin pörisi."