Irreversible (Irréversible) (2002)
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great film, but be warned if you haven't

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"Events over the course of one traumatic night in Paris unfold in reverse-chronological order as the beautiful Alex is brutally raped and beaten by a stranger in the underpass. Her boyfriend and ex-lover take matters into their own hands by hiring two criminals to help them find the rapist so that they can exact revenge. A simultaneously beautiful and terrible examination of the destructive nature of cause and effect, and how time destroys everything. "

" Irréversible (French pronunciation: ) is a 2002 French art thriller film written and directed by Gaspar Noé. Starring Monica Bellucci, Vincent Cassel, Albert Dupontel, the plot depicts the events of a tragic night in Paris as two men attempt to avenge the brutal rape and beating of the woman they love. The film is made up of a title sequence followed by 13 segments made to look like long takes. Each of these segments is either a continuous shot or a series of shots digitally composited to "

"There's a kind of disorientation that happens when watching Gaspar Noé's Irréversible, in part because it's told in reverse. But also because it's hard to recover from what you're witnessing. The story itself is pretty straightforward: While at a party, couple Alex (Monica Bellucci) and Marcus (Vincent Cassel) get into a fight, so Alex leaves. But she's attacked on her way home in what is undoubtedly one of the most disturbing rape scenes ever committed to celluloid, and it goes on for 10 minu"

"31.7. Blu-ray Uusintakatselu. Ei päästänyt helpolla tälläkään kertaa. Välitöntä kunnioitusta herättävä, tuntemaan pakottava, äärimmäinen autiosaarelle mukaan otettava mestariteos."

" The only time I can remember hitting fast-forward during a committed first-time watch. I'll never see a red corridor/tunnel/hallway without recalling this goddamn movie. "

"Оставляю без оценки. В 15 лет я посмотрел первый для себя фильм Гаспара Ноэ — Вход В Пустоту и он произвёл на меня сильное впечатление закрепившееся на длительное время. Мне даже казалось, что это лучший фильм из тех немногих, которые я к тому моменту посмотрел. Но время идёт"

"9.6. Blu-ray Uusintakatselu. Jos arvioidaan kokonaisvaltaista, ruumiillistunuttakin, vaikuttavuutta sekä emotionaalisen musertavuuden määrää, kovin montaa Irreversiblen ylittänyttä en keksi. Useammankin kerran nähty, viitisentoista vuotta sitten, mutta ei tällainen unohdu tai saati menetä tehoaan kai milloinkaan. Näkökulma muuttuu ja se on elokuvan itsensä sekä katsojankin kannalta hienoa. Haastava se on, palkitseva jos on valmis vastaanottamaan äärimmäistä elokuvaa tunteaks"