The Masque of the Red Death (1964)
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The Masque of the Red Death (1964) Videos
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UPC: 027616878212
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“(OK) Brilliant, excellent, elegant, circular Corman, nice strong coloured photo, with shades of red. Price as prince Prospero, a satan lover, tells satan that christian Jane Asher rivalizes with him in faith, that sums up the essential plot; but there are great details as the pair of little man and woman...” read more
"1.8. Blu-ray Roger Corman lähti seuraavaa erää varten Britteihin halvemman työvoiman perässä. Sieltä tarttui kuvaajaksi Nicolas Roeg ja lopputulos on sellainen, mitä aiempien perusteella uskoo mahdolliseksi, kun joko rahaa on enemmän tai rajoitteita vähemmän. Skaala on vähän isompi ja täten oikein käydään ulkonakin. Visuaalisesti kaikissa väreissään, näiden puutteessa ja yleisessä näyttävyydessään The Masque of the Red Death on kerrassaan upea, ihan esimerkkitasoa. Tuo"
" Date: 10/15/2020 Viewed: Blu-Ray Re-Watch Note: I haven't seen this movie since I was in Middle School when I had to read stories from Edgar Allan Poe in the 7th grade. I remember our teacher played this movie for us to watch while we were reading the story. After watching this movie again, this movie holds up very well. The Masque of the Red Death is a movie that people will overlook because it has Roger Corman's name attached to it. Roger Corman has directed many bad movies, and he admits "
" Notes: I haven't seen this one yet..."
" Notes: I haven't seen this one yet..."
" Rating iMDB: My Rating: Director: Actors: Genre: The Plot:"