Kinsey (2005)
list by SwornShadow
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Kinsey Videos
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A very good movie
Strange silence on a part of "work" of Kinsey
UPC: 024543178682
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" Liam Neeson, Chris O'Donnell and William Sadler "
“Good movie, but, more a hagiography than a real and serious biography of Alfred Kinsey. It made a total blackout about his position in favor of pedoph”
"(OVERHYPED BUT) ACCLAIMED MOVIE! Review coming soon... *Official Polsko's "Best Bisexual Themed Movies" entry* *Official 2020: A Movie Odyssey entry, by Dr-Faustus* "
"Before Liam Neeson was punching people in the face, he was doing proper acting. Proof with this biopic of Alfred Kinsey, a professor who gave up his passion for insects in order to create a study on the sexual habits of males. Laura Linney plays his wife and the pair are terrific. The film could have become sensationalised yet director Bill Condor keeps the story in focus and shows just how important Kinsey was in releasing an America that refused to recognise the truth about sex."