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Added by jaytoast on 1 May 2012 06:15
9021 Views 71 Comments

Poll - Listal's LGBTQ Favorites - Closed

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Top Voted

People who added this item 4399 Average listal rating (2817 ratings) 7.3 IMDB Rating 7.7

Nominated by lotr23
(1) bdidock
(2) Villiana
(3) Kami-chan
(4) yulle
(5) johanlefourbe
(6) AFIoscar
(7) rogercastoro
(8) Saffron
People who added this item 1757 Average listal rating (1001 ratings) 7.2 IMDB Rating 7.5

Nominated by lotr23
(1) Villiana
(2) ToonHead2102
(3) Coby
(4) johanlefourbe
(5) AFIoscar
(6) rogercastoro
(7) mirinbuddy
People who added this item 1289 Average listal rating (735 ratings) 7.6 IMDB Rating 7.6
A Single Man (2009)

Nominated by the giraffe
(1) Jaytoast
(2) the giraffe
(3) lotr23
(4) Xanadon't
(5) ToonHead2102
(6) johanlefourbe
(7) moviebuff15
People who added this item 1745 Average listal rating (1132 ratings) 8 IMDB Rating 8

Nominated by the giraffe
(1) phillydude
(2) the giraffe
(3) lotr23
(4) Xanadon't
(5) ToonHead2102
(6) yulle
People who added this item 2014 Average listal rating (1184 ratings) 7.5 IMDB Rating 7.5
Milk (2008)

Nominated by phillydude
(1) Jaytoast
(2) lotr23
(3) phillydude
(4) johanlefourbe
(5) rogercastoro
(6) Saffron
People who added this item 4985 Average listal rating (3330 ratings) 7.6 IMDB Rating 7.8

Nominated by phillydude
(1) Coby
(2) phillydude
(3) Kami-chan
(4) yulle
(5) AFIoscar
(6) Saffron
People who added this item 1820 Average listal rating (1092 ratings) 7.1 IMDB Rating 7.3

Nominated by Villiana
(1) Coby
(2) lotr23
(3) Villiana
(4) ToonHead2102
(5) AFIoscar
(6) Saffron
People who added this item 1353 Average listal rating (738 ratings) 7.7 IMDB Rating 7.6

Nominated by Kami-chan
(1) lotr23
(2) mika_
(3) ToonHead2102
(4) Kami-chan
(5) mirinbuddy
People who added this item 739 Average listal rating (444 ratings) 7 IMDB Rating 7.3

Nominated by phillydude
(1) ToonHead2102
(2) johanlefourbe
(3) AFIoscar
(4) mirinbuddy
(5) Saffron
People who added this item 2250 Average listal rating (1394 ratings) 7.4 IMDB Rating 7.7
Philadelphia (1993)

Nominated by phillydude
(1) bdidock
(2) Villiana
(3) phillydude
(4) rogercastoro
(5) Saffron
People who added this item 6694 Average listal rating (4594 ratings) 7.8 IMDB Rating 8.3

Nominated by mika_
(1) mika_
(2) Villiana
(3) Coby
(4) yulle
People who added this item 1458 Average listal rating (878 ratings) 7.7 IMDB Rating 7.6

Nominated by Mr. Saturn
(1) bdidock
(2) Mr. Saturn
(3) mika_
(4) yulle
People who added this item 2727 Average listal rating (1808 ratings) 7.1 IMDB Rating 7.7

Nominated by the giraffe
(1) phillydude
(2) Coby
(3) the giraffe
(4) yulle
People who added this item 354 Average listal rating (195 ratings) 7.2 IMDB Rating 7.3

Nominated by the giraffe
(1) Jaytoast
(2) the giraffe
(3) mika_
(4) johanlefourbe
People who added this item 2743 Average listal rating (1583 ratings) 7.6 IMDB Rating 7.8
Ed Wood (1994)

Nominated by Mr. Saturn
(1) Coby
(2) the giraffe
(3) Mr. Saturn
(4) AFIoscar
People who added this item 576 Average listal rating (311 ratings) 7.6 IMDB Rating 7.7

Nominated by Jaytoast
(1) ToonHead2102
(2) johanlefourbe
(3) AFIoscar
(4) mirinbuddy
People who added this item 7304 Average listal rating (5121 ratings) 7.7 IMDB Rating 8.2

Nominated by mika_
(1) mika_
(2) Villiana
(3) yulle
(4) Saffron
People who added this item 1286 Average listal rating (800 ratings) 6.7 IMDB Rating 7

Nominated by the giraffe
(1) the giraffe
(2) Xanadon't
(3) AFIoscar
(4) Saffron
People who added this item 301 Average listal rating (152 ratings) 7.1 IMDB Rating 7.3

Nominated by phillydude
(1) Jaytoast
(2) lotr23
(3) phillydude
People who added this item 345 Average listal rating (203 ratings) 6.8 IMDB Rating 7.1

Nominated by phillydude
(1) the giraffe
(2) Villiana
(3) phillydude

Nominated by Mr. Saturn
(1) phillydude
(2) Mr. Saturn
(3) yulle
People who added this item 1425 Average listal rating (847 ratings) 7.8 IMDB Rating 7.8

Nominated by bdidock
(1) lotr23
(2) Xanadon't
(3) AFIoscar
People who added this item 1064 Average listal rating (571 ratings) 7 IMDB Rating 7

Nominated by phillydude
(1) lotr23
(2) yulle
(3) mirinbuddy
People who added this item 1177 Average listal rating (648 ratings) 7.1 IMDB Rating 7.3

Nominated by lotr23
(1) bdidock
(2) Xanadon't
(3) mirinbuddy
People who added this item 361 Average listal rating (176 ratings) 7 IMDB Rating 6.7
Howl (2010)

Nominated by Jaytoast
(1) the giraffe
(2) Xanadon't
(3) Saffron
People who added this item 130 Average listal rating (64 ratings) 7.1 IMDB Rating 7.2
Pariah (2011)

Nominated by lotr23
(1) Jaytoast
(2) Xanadon't
(3) moviebuff15
People who added this item 1421 Average listal rating (807 ratings) 8.3 IMDB Rating 8.1
Persona (1966)

Nominated by Mr. Saturn
(1) bdidock
(2) Mr. Saturn
People who added this item 1364 Average listal rating (813 ratings) 7.4 IMDB Rating 7.7

Nominated by bdidock
(1) Coby
(2) lotr23
People who added this item 1395 Average listal rating (887 ratings) 6.8 IMDB Rating 7.2
Chasing Amy (1997)

Nominated by the giraffe
(1) the giraffe
(2) mika_
People who added this item 684 Average listal rating (406 ratings) 7.3 IMDB Rating 7.2
Beginners (2010)

Nominated by phillydude
(1) Xanadon't
(2) phillydude
People who added this item 2328 Average listal rating (1373 ratings) 7 IMDB Rating 7.4

Nominated by Coby
(1) Villiana
(2) Coby
People who added this item 351 Average listal rating (186 ratings) 6.5 IMDB Rating 6.7

Nominated by Coby
(1) Coby
(2) AFIoscar

Nominated by Jaytoast
(1) phillydude
(2) rogercastoro
People who added this item 1191 Average listal rating (739 ratings) 6.4 IMDB Rating 6.6

Nominated by the giraffe
(1) Kami-chan
(2) rogercastoro
People who added this item 187 Average listal rating (108 ratings) 7.2 IMDB Rating 7.3

Nominated by rogercastoro
(1) rogercastoro
(2) Gab
People who added this item 313 Average listal rating (169 ratings) 7.7 IMDB Rating 7.8

Nominated by johanlefourbe
(1) rogercastoro
(2) mirinbuddy
People who added this item 145 Average listal rating (70 ratings) 7.3 IMDB Rating 7.3
Wild Reeds (1994)

Nominated by lotr23
(1) ToonHead2102
(2) mirinbuddy
People who added this item 588 Average listal rating (357 ratings) 7.3 IMDB Rating 7.5
Show Me Love (1998)

Nominated by lotr23
(1) johanlefourbe
(2) Saffron
People who added this item 296 Average listal rating (156 ratings) 7.5 IMDB Rating 7.6
Weekend (2011)

Nominated by mirinbuddy
(1) moviebuff15
(2) jaytoast
People who added this item 306 Average listal rating (172 ratings) 7.7 IMDB Rating 7.8
F for Fake (1973)

Nominated by Mr. Saturn
(1) Mr. Saturn
People who added this item 69 Average listal rating (38 ratings) 7.6 IMDB Rating 7.8

Nominated by the giraffe
(1) the giraffe
People who added this item 128 Average listal rating (52 ratings) 6.5 IMDB Rating 6.6
Mala Noche (1987)

Nominated by bdidock
(1) lotr23
People who added this item 147 Average listal rating (63 ratings) 7.8 IMDB Rating 7.7

Nominated by Jaytoast
(1) carryonbuff
People who added this item 255 Average listal rating (130 ratings) 7.7 IMDB Rating 7.5

Nominated by Jaytoast
(1) carryonbuff
People who added this item 12 Average listal rating (1 ratings) 6 IMDB Rating 7.2

Nominated by carryonbuff
(1) carryonbuff
People who added this item 121 Average listal rating (60 ratings) 6.8 IMDB Rating 5.8
Circumstance (2011)

Nominated by Xanadon't
(1) Xanadon't
People who added this item 132 Average listal rating (58 ratings) 6.9 IMDB Rating 7
Burnt Money (2000)

Nominated by Jaytoast
(1) Xanadon't

Nominated by mika_
(1) mika_
People who added this item 646 Average listal rating (369 ratings) 7.6 IMDB Rating 7.4

Nominated by mika_
(1) mika_
People who added this item 3823 Average listal rating (2340 ratings) 7.5 IMDB Rating 7.7

Nominated by mika_
(1) mika_
Load more items (131 more in this list)

This list may be close but you are free to make your own.

I am away from Listal for the moment. Cheers

Listal's Favorite Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered and Queer films.

Nominated and voted by Listal members

|--------------- The Rules ---------------|
Each member can nominate up to 10 films for others to vote for (no more than 10, and if you don't have any to nominate that's fine). Also, each member can vote for 10 films that have already been nominated, and each vote will count as 1 point for each film voted on (as opposed to the usual Listal points scale). Both don't have to be done at the same time, especially while the list is in the early stages & nominated films are fewer.

So, each Listal member can post: 10 films (or less) they wish to nominate, and 10 films they wish to vote for that have already been nominated.

Finally, in the event you have more than 10 films you'd like to recommend that others check out, feel free to mention them as well & they'll be added in the "Not Nominated - Not Voted" section for consideration.

Thanks to the giraffe for helping me to rewrite the nomination point system.

Hope you enjoy the list. Cheers :)

|--------------- Reference ---------------|
If your confused about if a film would or would not fit on this list. You can always check Wikipedia.

Wikipedia Full List

Wikipedia List of Amercain Films

Wikipedia Index of films by country


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