Kill, Baby... Kill! (1966) (Operazione paura)
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Kill, Baby... Kill! (1966) Videos
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" Date: 10/19/2021 Viewed: Shudder Re-Watch Note: Tonight I felt like watching a Mario Bava film, and this seemed like the ideal pick. Kill, Baby, Kill is still a terrific film that holds up quite well in my opinion. I love the way the film looks and feels, thanks to Antonio Rinaldi's (Planet of Vampires) vibrant cinematography and the gorgeous set designs. The vibrant colors truly stand out, and I love how well they blend in with the tone and atmosphere of the film. With the spider cobwebs, "
"28.4. Blu-ray Harvinaisen tyylikästä ja tunnelmallista goottipönötystä. Surrealistiset lavasteet ja värit sekä kameran suvereeni käyttö, totta kai, ovat kultaa."
"The Carpathian village of Kill, Baby…Kill! is among Mario Bava’s most indelible achievements—a physicalized realm of fear. Partially shooting in Calcutta, Bava uses the location as a source of found German expressionism, merging the canted windows and seemingly irrational angles of streets and stacked buildings with candy-colored cinematography and pointedly artificial sets. This contrast between the discovered and the created suggests a porous boundary between reality and subjectivity, th"