Heaven Can Wait
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An average movie
UPC: 715515016322
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" Notes: To be honest, eventually, I had a hard time to connect with the damned thing after all. Basically, it was the story of a man from his birth to his death and the guy was convinced that he should go to hell because he spent his whole life seducing pretty much every single woman he met. Well, the conclusion provided by this movie was that being a serial womanizer (maybe even a sex-addict?) was not such a crime after all, in fact, the guy did make many of this women really happy, according "
" Notes: To be honest, eventually, I had a hard time to connect with the damned thing after all. Basically, it was the story of a man from his birth to his death and the guy was convinced that he should go to hell because he spent his whole life seducing pretty much every single woman he met. Well, the conclusion provided by this movie was that being a serial womanizer (maybe even a sex-addict?) was not such a crime after all, in fact, the guy did make many of this women really happy, according "
“I wasn’t really sure what to expect from this flick but since it had been nominated for the Best Picture Academy Award, I thought I might as well check it out. Even though I expected it to be another version of ‘Heaven Can Wait’ (1978) and ‘Down to Earth’ (2001), in spite of its title, it turned out to be something completely different after all. Anyway, to be honest, eventually, I had a hard time to connect with the damned thing after all. Basically, it was the story of a man from his birth to his death and the guy was convinced that he should go to hell because he spent his whole life seducing pretty much every single woman he met. Well, the conclusion provided by this movie was that being a serial womanizer (maybe even a sex-addict?) was not such a crime after all, in fact, th” read more
"In "Heaven Can Wait," Henry Van Cleve (Don Ameche) must grant access from His Excellency (Laird Cregar) to Hell, so he reviews his life to explain his sins. Henry was once a spoiled playboy who eloped with Martha (Gene Tierney) on his birthday, raised their son Jack (Tod Andrews), and spent twenty-five years together until her death. When I first saw this movie, I was confused, because Henry had no reason to go to Hell. Sure, he engaged affairs with other women during his marriage, but most coup"
"14.12. Ernst Lubitschin komediassa mies saapuu helvetin porteille, jossa saatana ottaa hänet vastaan ilmoittamalla että sori sori, en oo tehnyt työtäni ja ottanut selvää kuka olet, joten kerropas nyt naisseikkailuistasi. Vanha herrasmies on innoissaan, kun vihdoinkin joku kuuntelee hänen paasaamistaan. Välissä vanha vihtahousu heivaa paikalle saapuneen leidin ikuiseen kadotukseen, koska kevytkenkäinen nainen ansaitsee loputtoman kidutuksen. Huumorin tempo on ihan kelvollinen eikä sen"
"Kas kummaa, menin vanhaan. Lubitschin Taivas Saa Odottaa ei luonnollisestikaan ole se elokuva, johon Warren Beattyn elokuva Taivas Saa Odottaa vuodelta 1978 perustuu, vaan Beattyn hassuttelu perustuu vuoden 1941 elokuvaan Here Comes Mr. Jordan. Mitä väliä tällä kaikella on? No eipä oikeastaan mitään. Hämmennyin vain Lubitschia katsellessani, kun hatarat muistikuvat lapsena nähdystä vuoden 78 kokonimikaimasta eivät kohdanneet ruudulla vastinetta. Lubitschin elokuvassa kulmakarvojaan "
"13.4. 2019 Ernst Lubitsch directed "Heaven Can Wait" when he was seriously ill but the director managed to turn his personal weaknesses into his strengths which you can clearly see in his last movies. "Heaven Can Wait" starts as a light fantasy film and later it develops into a sharp analysis of fragility of memories and true requirements for happiness. The film combines elements of tragedy and farce, and any perceptive viewer can see that Lubitsch managed to keep his unique touch as long as he "