Frenzy (1972)
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Why so underrated?!
A good movie
UPC: 025192066122
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"20.5. 2024 When Hitchcock return to England in the '70s to direct "Frenzy", filmmakers had more freedom and censorship no longer limited their creativity like in the old days. Hitchcock was now able to make films without sparing viewers from shocking details but that doesn't mean that "Frenzy" would be just a cheap exploitation flick. It would've been easy to fill the scenes with gore and violence but Hitchcock focused on carefully introducing the characters and developing the atmosphere, so in"
" "Do I look like a sex murderer to you? Can you imagine me creeping around London, strangling all those women with ties? That's ridiculous... For a start, I only own two." Written by Anthony Shaffer Music by Ron Goodwin Cinematography by Gilbert Taylor Editing by John Jympson"
" "Do I look like a sex murderer to you? Can you imagine me creeping around London, strangling all those women with ties? That's ridiculous... For a start, I only own two." Directed by Alfred Hitchcock Written by Anthony Shaffer Music by Ron Goodwin Cinematography by Gilbert Taylor Editing by John Jympson"
"It's about a man falsely accused of being a serial killer who murders women with neckties. In many ways, it's as basic a tale of mistaken identity as it sounds. But the main character is what makes it stand out. Jon Finch is phenomenal in the role; when it comes to playing characters with tempers, he was the best. :-) There are also two particular noteworthy moments: a rape scene early on, and a sequence in a truck that makes you squirm while making the killer seem more human at the same time. I"
"Highly underrated Hitchcock film that has him working more in the modern slasher vibe, and the damn thing is a hoot. Found the remastered DVD for the collection."
"Re-watch - Dec. 24th Some Nightmares Before Xmas I wound up at home without any plans on Xmas Eve, so I decided that after lunch I'd have a mini marathon of horror films (hence the title above). Frenzy is still an expertly crafted outing for Hitch, with a story that fits right in among the other '70s horror and thriller output. It's dark with a sense of humor, and the cast is excellent. The only thing missing from it is that magical feeling I get from the ones I award a 10/10 to."