Double Team (1997)
list by ToonHead2102

list by Stehako

Double Team Videos
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This is the most outrageous film I've seen this year. I've seen it in the past but not with an objective eye as now. I think every law of physics is just ignored and gravity doesn't exist either!
It's just a poor man's/scripts Lethal Weapon with the token bi-racial duo. Van Damme pulls in his usual style of performance but everyone else is terri... read more
A bad movie
Not Too Bad, But Not Awesome
UPC: 043396832398

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" Finally! The team up everyone was waiting for Jean Claude Van Damme and Dennis “The Worm” Rodman! Critics may have not cared, but audiences saw it anyways, because how could you not want to? In a decade, in which odd pairing movies where a thing, this might have been the weirdest one yet. Counter-terrorist Jack Quinn misses his target, Stavros, on the eve of his final mission. From there, he is sent to "The Colony", a rebirth for presumed-dead assassins. He breaks free from there, an"

" Jack Quinn "Kathryn! Your damn cow was in my way.""

"10.7. Netflix Järjettömän tyhmää, jämäbondia muistuttavaa paskaa. Tämä ei luonnollisesti ole ihan huono asia. Dennis Rodman esittää itseään ja on siinä tosi hyvä. Tämän kirjoitettuani luin Roger Ebertin arvion elokuvasta, jossa tämä sanoi täsmälleen saman asian Rodmanista. Nyt tunnen itseni likaiseksi plagioijaksi."

" Mickey Rourke as Stavros Xin Xin Xiong as Stavros' Man in Hotel Tiger as Tiger"
“When I was a kid, I was a huge fan of Jean-Claude Van Damme and, at the time, I watched pretty much all the movies he made at the beginning of his car”