So Awful-Looking I Might See it for a Laugh
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Amazing find by Diabolical Dr. Voodoo
You think Pinocchio's knife looks scary, check out Santa's icicle!
You think Pinocchio's knife looks scary, check out Santa's icicle!
Dance Flick (2009)
So un-funny looking I will consider it a drama... that I might laugh at... because it's so horrible.
It's M. Night. Plus, have you seen the trailer? A kid swinging a sword around, in the middle of a thousand candles. Who took the time to light all those candles?? And, seriously, hundreds of ships coming to attack one person, how do you spell ridiculous? M. Night Shamalamadingdong, that's how.
Stehako's rating:

Tooth Fairy (2010)
"You Can't Can't Handle the tooth"
Tooth be told, my stomach could barely handle the trailer.
Tooth be told, my stomach could barely handle the trailer.
Stehako's rating:

You need to watch the trailer for this, ridiculousness on every scale, plus the acting is clearly bottom-rate. Thrilla in Manilla!
Stehako's rating:

Who the hell came up with this combination? They are clearly running out of zombie ideas.
Why?? What did the mutant frogs ever do to deserve a visit from Hell?
Thanks to the brilliant suggestion from Monclivie
Thanks to the brilliant suggestion from Monclivie
so... is stacy a zombie? If so, why is she the only one that gets the title treatment, since it states there are zombies?
Transmorphers (2007)
Wow, let's see, who are they trying to copy here???
Check out the cast list for this too. The dude's last name is Wolf, similar to a certain Fox? Maybe.
Also a great find by
Check out the cast list for this too. The dude's last name is Wolf, similar to a certain Fox? Maybe.
Also a great find by
I saw ten minutes of the first one before shutting it off, I imagine this is only worse.
Stehako's rating:

Make up your minds, silent night or deadly night? And they managed to make a sequel of this?
See her face, that's when it kisses her! What the fuck, they give away the whole movie right on the poster, haha.
Dead or Alive: Final (2002)
Poster looks stupid, but the name is even worse. I can handle "Dead or Alive" but to add a colon and write only "Final" what the fuck is that? Final what, lazy title writers?
Flight of Fury (2007)
Does Segal even know what he's doing anymore?
"Hey Steve, uh do this movie, it's called 'Flight of Fury', it's right up your alley."
"Is there minimal dialogue and lots of fists thrown?"
"Uh, okay. I'll do it."
"Hey Steve, uh do this movie, it's called 'Flight of Fury', it's right up your alley."
"Is there minimal dialogue and lots of fists thrown?"
"Uh, okay. I'll do it."
Catwoman (2004)
Halle Berry in a cat suit sounds hot; but then she got into that cat suit and decided to star in an atrocious-looking film.
The Adventures of Pluto Nash (2002)
Any Eddie Murphy movie in the 21st century could make this list, and this is one of the worst-looking (from word-of-mouth)
Who the hell approved this? Just read that title over and over.
Clearly a sequel in high demand.
Takers (2010)
Perhaps the greatest acting lineup in cinematic history:
Chris Brown
Hayden Christensen
Paul Walker
Matt Dillon
Michael Ealy
Gideon Emery
Chris Brown
Hayden Christensen
Paul Walker
Matt Dillon
Michael Ealy
Gideon Emery
Stehako's rating:

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"Films" that either look terrible from one to all of these things
Most of them are dramas, and the few that are comedies, look so un-funny that they should be considered dramas, but the kind of drama you laugh at because it's so bad.
Examples of movies that I've unfortunately seen and fit this category
The Happening
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Reign of Fire
The Village
Powder Blue
Swept Away
The Sixth Sense
Wild Hogs
World Trade Center
The Day After Tomorrow
New in Town
Howard the Duck
Little Nicky
The Avengers (1998)
"Films" that either look terrible from one to all of these things
Most of them are dramas, and the few that are comedies, look so un-funny that they should be considered dramas, but the kind of drama you laugh at because it's so bad.
Examples of movies that I've unfortunately seen and fit this category
The Happening
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Reign of Fire
The Village
Powder Blue
Swept Away
The Sixth Sense
Wild Hogs
World Trade Center
The Day After Tomorrow
New in Town
Howard the Duck
Little Nicky
The Avengers (1998)
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Published 7 years, 5 months ago

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