The Fly (1958)
list by diabolical dr voodoo

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A slick 1950s sci-fi

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"Plot: The mystery of a woman who seemingly killed her husband slowly reveals itself to be much more horrific than anyone anticipated. An undeniable classic of he atomic age era of sci-fi/horror pictures, The Fly comes packed with a rock solid cast, a surprisingly strong female lead (especially for the times), and several memorable moments that hold up well. The movie shows an admirable restraint which certainly helps soften the blow of the more hokey elements to a modern viewer. Part mystery, "
“I haven't yet seen the David Croenberg remake, though I have heard it is superior, but this was still very good and certainly worth seeing. Even with some inconsistencies in the story and one or two cheesy moments, The Fly is a slick 1950s sci-fi. Unlike some people I actually found the "help me help me" bit quite creepy, maybe predictable for those who have seen it umpteen times, but the image of a half-human/fly being trapped in a cobweb and screaming those words quite unsettled me, and after seeing the film it is that scene that I remember most.The production values are very good and look very nice still, and the music is suitably chilling. The script has some nice touches too, and the acting is fine. David Hedison does a very good job as eccentric scientist Andre Delambre, and Vincent ” read more

" After a common house fly buzzes it way into an experimental transportation device, it's DNA mixes in with the creator of said device, and in typical 50's b-movie fashion, results in a macabre hybrid of the two. And it will take more than a can of raid or a flyswatter to keep females from screaming at the top of their lungs at the sight of him. Lord knows what their frightened reactions would be if the results of the skewed experiment had caused him to evolve into a "spider-man" instead. Or ev"

" 20.2. SATURN - HÄNEN VALINTANSA Teemana olleen lehden ilmestymisen aikoihin tehty scifi-kauhun varhaisempi filmatisointi kertoo Cronenbergin myöhemmin tutuksi tekemän tarinan kärpäsen pilaamasta kokeesta, jonka seurauksena tiedemiehen pärstä muuttuu vähemmän varteenotettavan jäpikän naamatauluksi. Leffan alussa tutkijan vaimo pistää siipan hydraulisen puristimen läpi ja siinä on sitten poliisilla ja tiedemiehen veljeä esittävällä Vincent Pricella ihmettelemistä. Onneksi Pr"