The Wicker Man (1973)
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The Wicker Man
UPC: 013131142297
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"Lord Summersisle Crimes committed: Arson, Murder, Human sacrifice, Animal cruelty, Conspiracy, Torture, Pedophilia (implied) Note: Subject would argue that a sacrifice must be made, for the harvest to be successful. "
“Since this movie has a really solid reputation (it is included in the ‘1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die’ list, among other things), I was quite eager to check it out. I actually first watched the remake starring Nicolas Cage, possibly one of the most despised remakes ever made, but it was years ago and I didn’t remember much about it which was probably a good thing. To be honest, I have to admit that I was rather distracted when I watched this movie but there is no doubt that the damned thing was intriguing. Indeed, even though it is billed as a horror film, it never really feels like an actual horror feature though which was obviously really cool. What was it then? I don’t know, it is rather difficult to describe. I guess it was some kind of surreal nightmare (I do make it ” read more
"29.4. Blu-ray Uusintakatselu. Final cut Sietämätön hihhulikonstaapeli saapuu pienelle tiiviin yhteisön saarelle tutkimaan kadonneen tytön tapausta, mutta päätyy ottamaan nokkiinsa epäjumalallisesta toiminnasta ja keskittyy enemmän levittämään herran sanaa ilmeisen turhaan. Hyvinhän siinä käy. Folk horror -kruununjalokivi ottaa kaiken ilon irti valtauskonnon aseman absurdiuden näyttämisestä. Sympaattisten pakanoiden toimet ovat kristillisestä näkökulmasta häiriintyneitä"
"Summerisle, Scotland A beautiful, island of the mainland of Scotland. Governed by Lord Summerisle, himself. Why you wouldn’t want to visit: The annual Summer festival, just ask Sgt. Neil Howie. “Summer is a comin in.”"
Very effective psycho-sexual horror-thriller
“Playing on our fears of "the other", this 1973 film has attained classic status. I don't think it is quite a classic, there are parts that do move slowly and others that feel somewhat stilted. Regardless, it is still extremely good, with a brilliant script and impressive locations and cinematography. The story is also very effective, and the ending is another great strength, being quite shocking. That is the thing about the Wicker Man, it is bizarre and it is disturbing but that works in the film's favour in alternative to against it. The acting is very well done, as is Robin Hardy's direction. Edward Woodward does a good job as the prudish Sergeant Howie and Britt Ekland is beautifully seductive as the pub landlord's free spirited daughter. But in my opinion, it is the magnificent Christo” read more