Altered States (1980) (1980)
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" Harvard scientist Eddie Jessup's (William Hurt) mind-altering experiments on himself, involving a hallucinatory drug and an isolation chamber, get out of control when his handiwork shuttles him back and forth on the evolutionary spectrum, from human to ape-man. Equal parts sci-fi actioner, 1960s psychedelic trip and farce, the film was based on a Paddy Chayefsky novel and received Oscar nominations for music and sound. Blair Brown co-stars. It’s worth noting, that Chayefsky really, really"

" Harvard scientist Eddie Jessup's (William Hurt) mind-altering experiments on himself, involving a hallucinatory drug and an isolation chamber, get out of control when his handiwork shuttles him back and forth on the evolutionary spectrum, from human to ape-man. Equal parts sci-fi actioner, 1960s psychedelic trip and farce, the film was based on a Paddy Chayefsky novel and received Oscar nominations for music and sound. Blair Brown co-stars. It’s worth noting, that Chayefsky really, really"

"Rated: R Why it’s rated: Violence, nudity (mostly male), and coarse language "

"Also nominated for Best Visual Effects Best Horror or Thriller"

"In the basement of a university medical school Dr . Jessup floats naked in total darkness. The most terrifying experiment in the history of science is out of control... and the subject is himself.”"

"Una película experimental y muy pretenciosa de los 80 ¿Quieres más?"

"It’s odd movie to be sure, and Ken Russell films are not for everyone. But it’s a movie, that is definitely one to watch. It took me a while to get into, but however it has an interesting premise, great performances and is visually something else all together."

" First Viewing Viewing Date: October 8th Via: iTunes Store Plot: A psycho-physiologist experiments with drugs and a sensory-deprivation tank and has visions he believes are genetic memories. Rating: 6.2/10"

"Ken Russell’s psychedelic Altered States examines one man’s egregious deflection of paternal responsibility in the name of scientific innovation. Fantasy and self-indulgence are the most powerful narcotics in the film—drugs that allow Harvard scientist Dr. Eddie Jessup (William Hurt) to flirt with an increasingly volatile dream state where, as he puts it, “time simply obliterates.” Consumed by religious repression and self-guilt regarding his father’s painful death from cancer decade"

"First viewing - Jan. 22nd When this movie ended I mostly wished I'd watched it with someone else, because holy crap did I want a discussion to help me figure out how I felt about it. To call this an unusual film is a severe understatement. The cast is solid across the board, there's some memorable dialogue and moments, and I found it to be very interesting as far as the ideas it explores. Some of the execution left a lot to be desired, however, as there are far too many psychedelic interludes w"