Akira (1988) (アキラ)
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Akira (1988) Videos
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The appeal baffles me
To this day, 1988's Akira is worshipped as one of the best anime features in history. And, frankly, this reviewer has no comprehension as to why the film continually receives such praise. Scripted and directed by Katsuhiro Ôtomo who adapted his own manga series, Akira is a super-violent epic which borrows liberally (if unimaginative... read more
One of the best animated movies
UPC: 013023153899

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“(OK) Mucho para una película, demasiadas explosiones con detritus que dificultan ver a los personajes y sus reducciones o regresiones a una infancia llena de poderes; los adolescentes violentos son otro lote pues terminan siendo entre víctimas y héroes...” read more

"Tetsuo Crimes committed: Theft, multiple counts murder, and destruction of public and private property. "

" Akira (Japanese: アキラ) is a 1988 Japanese animated cyberpunk action film directed by Katsuhiro Otomo, produced by Ryōhei Suzuki and Shunzō Katō, and written by Otomo and Izo Hashimoto, based on Otomo's 1982 manga of the same name. 2019. 31 years after being destroyed during World War 3, Tokyo (now 'Neo-Tokyo') has been rebuilt and is a thriving metropolis. Shotaro Kaneda is the leader of a biker gang. His friend Tetsuo is injured in an accident and taken to a top-secret government "

" Akira (Japanese: アキラ) is a 1988 Japanese animated cyberpunk action film directed by Katsuhiro Otomo, produced by Ryōhei Suzuki and Shunzō Katō, and written by Otomo and Izo Hashimoto, based on Otomo's 1982 manga of the same name. 2019. 31 years after being destroyed during World War 3, Tokyo (now 'Neo-Tokyo') has been rebuilt and is a thriving metropolis. Shotaro Kaneda is the leader of a biker gang. His friend Tetsuo is injured in an accident and taken to a top-secret government "

"Reason for the future sucking: Nuclear war, has destroyed Tokyo, and then gets rebuilt as Neo Tokyo. Unfortunately, a psychic energy force, brought from cryosleep, that turns into a super blob, a cult that worships it, and biker gangs threaten the city. It could be worse. Godzilla could also show up, too. Year it takes place: 2019"

" Points: 5 Chosen by: johanlefourbe (5) Previous rank: IMDB top 250 rank: "
“La obra maestra de Katsuhiro Otomo sin dudas y de lejos. Varios me dicen que me lea el manga porque es "más completo" (lo mismo con Nausicaa). Todo e”
“La obra maestra de Katsuhiro Otomo sin dudas y de lejos. Varios me dicen que me lea el manga porque es "más completo" (lo mismo con Nausicaa). Todo eso está muy bien, pero si de por sí la película es así de completa, no veo cómo pueda serlo incluso más, más bien creería que será más explícita, pero quién sabe.
Hablando de Akira, marca el estilo de Otomo por excelencia, ya que mete aquí todas sus recurrencias en trama y argumento; Véase, dilemas identitarios entrelazados con crítica social y una exploración histórica/sociocultural hacia el Japón moderno. Todo esto contado de un modo completamente atípico que por esto mismo varios llaman "incoherente", pero eso es no comprender el tipo de narrativa que se maneja aquí, una por el contrario, verdaderamente comple” read more

" "The future is not a straight line. It is filled with many crossroads. There must be a future that we can choose for ourselves." Directed by Katsuhiro Ôtomo Written by Katsuhiro Ôtomo and Izô Hashimoto Music by Shôji Yamashiro Cinematography by Katsuji Misawa Editing by Takeshi Seyama"