Swing the Music: 10 albums from fellow members
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Tom Henry
Endtroducing..... - DJ Shadow
I don't know what to say? Guess I don't like DJ Shadow. Although the samples were nice and I kind a liked the sound of that. I just couldn't enjoy it that much. There was some great stuff, like the sample in song Midnight in a Perfect World that was taken from Finnish musician Pekka Pohjola's song Sekoilu seestyy. But mostly Endtroducing..... is forgettable to me.

Tumppi's rating:

Metal Machine Music - Lou Reed
Oh shit! What was I listening? This must be a joke because the whole album was just one big brainrape. This is so big pile of shit that I can't even put on the words. Tom Henry must suffer in hell for making me listen to this. Hope you'll like Blue System's Hello America. It's way better than this. Even that it's also a very horrible album.
And yes! I was listening this Metal Machine Music on my way home after work with headphones. The traffic on the bus was cherry on the top of cake. The complete atmosphere to listen this shit was so depressing. I was already depressed, tired and angry. Yet still Metal Machine Music just made me feel whole lot worse.
Here's one of the best songs from the album:
And no! It's not a pioneer work of noise genre. It's just a shitty bad joke.
And yes! I was listening this Metal Machine Music on my way home after work with headphones. The traffic on the bus was cherry on the top of cake. The complete atmosphere to listen this shit was so depressing. I was already depressed, tired and angry. Yet still Metal Machine Music just made me feel whole lot worse.
Here's one of the best songs from the album:
And no! It's not a pioneer work of noise genre. It's just a shitty bad joke.
Tumppi's rating:

Merriweather Post Pavilion - Animal Collective
There's this thing called hipster. In Finland we have this film festival Espoo Ciné. It's such a hipster festival. I bet many hipsters that go to that festival are listening this hipster album. Did I say that this album is hipster? It's the most hipstery hipster I have heard for a while.
Also Finnish television show "putous" is making fun of the hipsters. Is this funny?

I don't like hipsters! Fuck you all hipsters!
I don't like this putous! Never liked it! But it's very popular in Finland. Guess Finnish people are dump. Fuck you all Finnish people!
And oh yes! This album sucked by the way!
Also Finnish television show "putous" is making fun of the hipsters. Is this funny?

I don't like hipsters! Fuck you all hipsters!
I don't like this putous! Never liked it! But it's very popular in Finland. Guess Finnish people are dump. Fuck you all Finnish people!
And oh yes! This album sucked by the way!
Tumppi's rating:

From Here to Eternity - Giorgio Moroder
Finally something good from Tom Henry. I liked this album very much. It remands me why I like electronic music. Synth sounds are awesome and the time just flies when you're listening this album.
Giorgio is too hot to handle. He's also quite a stud.
Giorgio is too hot to handle. He's also quite a stud.

Tumppi's rating:

Geogaddi - Boards of Canada
This was better than I expected. Geogaddi is nice combination of different kind of sounds. Yet still I can't say that this is my kind of thing. Couple of songs were very nice. Nothing more to say here.
Tumppi's rating:

Dreamland - Black Box
This was also given me by Tom Henry. He said that this would be so nineties. Actually he was right, but I'm more of an eighties guy. Overall there still was some good songs, like Ghost Box, which remind me of the great director A. Gregory Hippolyte. He made the best softcore films of the nineties. Such as Mirror Images and Animal Instincts. Do I have to say more, Ghost Box was very porno song.

Also the last song, Strike It Up, was nice. I remember it from NHL 11 soundtrack.

Also the last song, Strike It Up, was nice. I remember it from NHL 11 soundtrack.
Tumppi's rating:

C'Est Chic - Chic
A good disco album from Chic. It sounds just like 70s should sound. Nile Rodgers's riffs were the best of the best. The erotic vibe that they gave to me were huge. I didn't know that guitar could sound so sexy. Now I now better. Guitar is the second sexiest instrument. The first one is of course saxophone.
Still this was nice piece music from the era of disco.
Still this was nice piece music from the era of disco.
Tumppi's rating:

Come - Prince
Please, Prince don't come. The first song was over ten minutes long and it was horrible. So it was really bad way to start this album. After that the album turned in to a little bit better. But overall this was quite boring set of songs. I personally think that Prince is bad person. He don't respect his fans and is often too arrogant. He's like a male diva. Yep.
Come ends song called orgasm. It contains Prince's "coming sounds". Or was it a woman. I don't know? Please, somebody tell me? But it was still really much what of fuck!
Come ends song called orgasm. It contains Prince's "coming sounds". Or was it a woman. I don't know? Please, somebody tell me? But it was still really much what of fuck!
Tumppi's rating:

True - Avicii
Tom Henry, do you wanna get hit by a car? Or do you wanna get a large wooden dildo in your ass?
If this is the music that people listen nowadays? I truly hate people. Because this album was entirely horrible. I can't even remember any melodies of any songs. They all sound the same. The last song was called All You Need is Love. I think there is one song that has the same name. To me Avicii is mocking that song. That's the only TRUE thing in this shitty album.
Gladly after this shit fest, in my head I still hear songs from Giorgio's From Here to Eternity album. What a treat it was to compare to this piece of crap.
If this is the music that people listen nowadays? I truly hate people. Because this album was entirely horrible. I can't even remember any melodies of any songs. They all sound the same. The last song was called All You Need is Love. I think there is one song that has the same name. To me Avicii is mocking that song. That's the only TRUE thing in this shitty album.
Gladly after this shit fest, in my head I still hear songs from Giorgio's From Here to Eternity album. What a treat it was to compare to this piece of crap.
Tumppi's rating:

The Scream - Siouxsie and the Banshees
This was actually good! Rock 'n roll!
Or should I say: Fuck 'n roll!
Or should I say: Fuck 'n roll!
Tumppi's rating:

We Sink - Sóley
What happened? I liked this?
Singers soft voice was great and songs were also fun to listen. This might be a bit of a hipster album and somehow my inner hipster has woke up. Guess I have to hate myself?
Singers soft voice was great and songs were also fun to listen. This might be a bit of a hipster album and somehow my inner hipster has woke up. Guess I have to hate myself?
Tumppi's rating:

Hidden Vagenda - Kimya Dawson
There is so much that I can take. Yet Kimya Dawson is one of those things that I can't take. Did I say that I hate Juno's soundtrack? Guess I didn't. However, I couldn't enjoy one bit of this album. It remind me too much of Juno. VierasTalo tried to say that the lyrics were awesome. I have to disagree. I think those lyrics were too hipster and didn't make any sense to me. Maybe I just didn't get them but overall I'm bit more a guy who likes melodies. Lyrics are important but in a case of music sometimes good melody is everything you need.
And if I want lyrics I want them to be more political. Like Manics does it. So what can I say this was a bad experience to me.
Although I have to mention that there was this one power ballad that had electric guitar. It was weird. Maybe too weird.
I want to apologize. VierasTalo, you were right about those political lyrics. I was just so ignorant and didn't pay that much attention to the lyrics. Thank you for correcting my false ideas. Yet still I think this album was shit to ears. Guess I just don't like the voice of Kimya Dawson. That must be the biggest reason why I didn't catch those lyrics.
And I don't have an answer what is right kind of political lyric. Yes Kimya and I might have same political view.
Also I don't have an answer what does the too hipster means. That part might just be little bit of trolling you. So if it offended you, I'm sorry about it too.
And if I want lyrics I want them to be more political. Like Manics does it. So what can I say this was a bad experience to me.
Although I have to mention that there was this one power ballad that had electric guitar. It was weird. Maybe too weird.
I want to apologize. VierasTalo, you were right about those political lyrics. I was just so ignorant and didn't pay that much attention to the lyrics. Thank you for correcting my false ideas. Yet still I think this album was shit to ears. Guess I just don't like the voice of Kimya Dawson. That must be the biggest reason why I didn't catch those lyrics.
And I don't have an answer what is right kind of political lyric. Yes Kimya and I might have same political view.
Also I don't have an answer what does the too hipster means. That part might just be little bit of trolling you. So if it offended you, I'm sorry about it too.
Tumppi's rating:

The Suburbs - Arcade Fire
This was quite nice. I have always liked this sort of indie rock. Sure it wasn't the greatest album of that genre, but still it was pretty good. Overall The Suburbs was bit too long, yet the best songs were good and there was not too many slow phases.
Tumppi's rating:

Baby 81 - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Oh Boy! This was great! I really liked the guitar sounds and melodies. It remind me how good Neo-psychedelia and garage rock can be. There was so many good moments and stuff that I can't even put them in words. Lets just say that this was nice surprise. I didn't wait for anything because honestly this band has horrible name. Still BRMC blew my mind with it's music. Especially mammoth length American X was a great song.
Tumppi's rating:

New Horizons - Flyleaf
Well this sounded like Paramore. I don't have anything against that. Yet still it's not my type of thing. Sure it was kind of well made combination of female vocals and alternative sounds. Maybe the melodies were to polished at some point. I know it's typical in this genre and it's one of the reasons why I don't like it that much. Overall the New Horizon was passable but nothing special.
Tumppi's rating:

The Seldom Seen Kid - Elbow
I really liked the idea of a post-britpop that this album was about. Still it didn't work as well I wish. The opening was strong and it took hold on me, but after that every song started to be same and there was too little variation. At the end The Seldom Seen Kid turned too slow and I just hoped that it would end soon. Overall it still was pretty good stuff.
Tumppi's rating:

Kukkurukuu - Mariska & Pahat Sudet
I was waiting for something horrible. Okay I don't really care new Finnish music. Overall it sounds dull and it's mostly been well-marketed product that doesn't have any ambition or artistic flair. So it was kind of nice to notice that Mariska didn't make completely bad album or even close that. Kukkurukuu isn't my kind of music, but it was made nicely and it was a short album. I didn't even understand that it ended, because I thought it was just about to begin. I can also totally understand that VierasTalo likes the lyrics of Kukkurukuu.
Tumppi's rating:

It's really hard to say anything about this album, because I would need to play this game first. Then I could try to get more out of it. In this case it was still very atmospheric type of music. But it would definitely been better if I had played that game first.
Tumppi's rating:

Laulu Laakson Kukista - Paavoharju
Yep, I didn't expect this kind of music. And I was actually surprised how good this was. Laulu Laakson Kukista is great variation of ambient sounds. That was just the right kind of thing that I needed to background music at work. It worked very well and I might listen it again sometimes.
Tumppi's rating:

The Golden Archipelago - Shearwater
Yep this was the last one from fellow member VierasTalo. I'm not very familiar with folk rock genre and took some time to me get in to this. I like some indie rock albums and this was mediocre. After all I can say that VierasTalo is hipster. Even though I don't know what hipster means.
Tumppi's rating:

Meir - Kvelertak
I don't understand Norwegian language, but still this was pretty awesome album. I not even really interested about lyrics, because the guitar riffs and other melodies were so cool. Before I started to listen this record fellow member Tiiviste said that I would need to drink some beer. He was right. Unfortunately I didn't have beer, because I was at the work and not allow to drink.
After that I drink some beer and it was a good beer.
Maybe those lyrics all about beer drinking?
After that I drink some beer and it was a good beer.
Maybe those lyrics all about beer drinking?
Tumppi's rating:

Red Fang - Red Fang
This was really good!
It's been a while when I last listen some good stoner rock. I like the genre and after that long time it really paid off. This a very good debut album by Red Fang. It felt like every song was better than the other one. If Meir made me want to drink beer, this one doubled the lust for that. Indeed I have to listen more Red Fang's records, because this one was already solid effort.
It's been a while when I last listen some good stoner rock. I like the genre and after that long time it really paid off. This a very good debut album by Red Fang. It felt like every song was better than the other one. If Meir made me want to drink beer, this one doubled the lust for that. Indeed I have to listen more Red Fang's records, because this one was already solid effort.
Tumppi's rating:

Addicted - Devin Townsend Project
Oh boy! What have I missed? Okay Addicted started slowly and the first songs wasn't that good. Even thought it felt better after I was finished the whole album. But why did I liked it so much? First of all there was really neat electronic sounds. I also liked Devin's singing. He's voice is varied and kind of unique. Yet the best thing in this album was female vocals that were sung by Anneke van Giersbergen. What a beautiful voice she has!
Tumppi's rating:

Tomorrow We Die Alive - Born of Osiris
I wanted to like more this album but I couldn't. Couple of fist songs were great. After that it stop progressing and turned to be monotonous. Overall Born Of Osiris interesting group that has some cool melodies and awesome shouting lyrics. Can't say anything else about Tomorrow We Die Alive.
Tumppi's rating:

Favourite Worst Nightmare - Arctic Monkeys
Arctic Monkeys is the kid of band that I have heard only one song before this project. So it was very nice to notice that they're really good indie rock group. Favourite Worst Nightmare is pure rock in the way that I like it. It starts very strong and after that took hold on me. There was few songs that were not that good, but overall it was a really good album.
I had to listen Arctic Monkeys debut album after this, because I wanted to know more about their melodies. It was also good, even though I liked this album bit more.
I had to listen Arctic Monkeys debut album after this, because I wanted to know more about their melodies. It was also good, even though I liked this album bit more.
Tumppi's rating:

Spiral Shadow - Kylesa
I listen this on little hangover at the morning. So I couldn't enjoy it much as I wanted. My head still hurts and this just make me feel even worse. Sorry but I have nothing else to say.
Tumppi's rating:

Fortress - Protest the Hero
I just realized that I haven't write anything about this album.
I don't have much to say, because to me Fortress was mediocre album. Yep that's all!
I don't have much to say, because to me Fortress was mediocre album. Yep that's all!
Tumppi's rating:

The Great Misdirect - Between the Buried and Me
This I liked!
Between the Buried and Me had something that I like very much. Songs were long and there was variation between them. Overall this was that kind of album what I like to listen often. Very heavy and harsh stuff.
Between the Buried and Me had something that I like very much. Songs were long and there was variation between them. Overall this was that kind of album what I like to listen often. Very heavy and harsh stuff.
Tumppi's rating:

Felony - Emmure
Well this was awful. Whole album sounded like same and the lyrics were all this shit:
"Top drawer
I grab the glock
I grab the ammo
Locked and Loaded
Blow your brains right out your skull
I'm addicted to your suffering
I came to bring the fucking pain
And now you're looking down the barrel of a gun
Sun of a Gun
Looks like you're not having any fun
Yeah, now you know that this is serious
Slow down, I can't keep up
You beg for mercy like I give a fuck
Scream Louder
Your screams are music to my ears
Listen to me
Put your face down on the ground
Oh shit, what the fuck did I just do?"
Can't really say anything more.
"Top drawer
I grab the glock
I grab the ammo
Locked and Loaded
Blow your brains right out your skull
I'm addicted to your suffering
I came to bring the fucking pain
And now you're looking down the barrel of a gun
Sun of a Gun
Looks like you're not having any fun
Yeah, now you know that this is serious
Slow down, I can't keep up
You beg for mercy like I give a fuck
Scream Louder
Your screams are music to my ears
Listen to me
Put your face down on the ground
Oh shit, what the fuck did I just do?"
Can't really say anything more.
Tumppi's rating:

Idea is that I gave 10 albums to my fellow member Tom Henry. So now he have to listen them all. He also gave me 10 albums.
So this project is growing. Fellow members VierasTalo & Tiiviste are joining.
Albums that Tom Henry must listen:
1. Blue System - Hello America
2. Manic Street Preachers - Lifeblood
3. Gojira - From Mars to Sirius
4. Laibach - Nato
5. Talk Talk – The Colour of Spring
6. Black Sabbath - Heaven and Hell
7. Roxy Music - Avalon
8. Ministry - With Sympathy
9. The Darkness - Hot Cakes
10. Turmion Kätilöt - Hoitovirhe
Albums that VierasTalo must listen:
1. Duran Duran – Rio
2. David Bowie – Heroes
3. Alice in Chains – Dirt
4. Laibach – Let It Be
5. The Prodigy – The Fat of the Land
6. The Smiths – The Queen Is Dead
7. Depeche Mode - Songs of Faith and Devotion
8. Nine Inch Nails - Hesitation Marks
9. Mr. Bungle – Mr. Bungle
10. Ghost - Infestissumam
Albums that Tiiviste must listen:
1. Alphaville – Forever Young
2. Manic Street Preachers – The Holy Bible
3. Jess Franco - Manacoa Experience
4. Motörhead – Ace of Spades
5. Bogart Co. - Dance Station
6. Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
7. Ministry - Psalm 69: The Way to Succeed & The Way to Suck Eggs
8. Suede – Bloodsports
9. Combichrist - Today We Are All Demons
10. Morrissey - Ringleader of the Tormentors
So this project is growing. Fellow members VierasTalo & Tiiviste are joining.
Albums that Tom Henry must listen:
1. Blue System - Hello America
2. Manic Street Preachers - Lifeblood
3. Gojira - From Mars to Sirius
4. Laibach - Nato
5. Talk Talk – The Colour of Spring
6. Black Sabbath - Heaven and Hell
7. Roxy Music - Avalon
8. Ministry - With Sympathy
9. The Darkness - Hot Cakes
10. Turmion Kätilöt - Hoitovirhe
Albums that VierasTalo must listen:
1. Duran Duran – Rio
2. David Bowie – Heroes
3. Alice in Chains – Dirt
4. Laibach – Let It Be
5. The Prodigy – The Fat of the Land
6. The Smiths – The Queen Is Dead
7. Depeche Mode - Songs of Faith and Devotion
8. Nine Inch Nails - Hesitation Marks
9. Mr. Bungle – Mr. Bungle
10. Ghost - Infestissumam
Albums that Tiiviste must listen:
1. Alphaville – Forever Young
2. Manic Street Preachers – The Holy Bible
3. Jess Franco - Manacoa Experience
4. Motörhead – Ace of Spades
5. Bogart Co. - Dance Station
6. Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
7. Ministry - Psalm 69: The Way to Succeed & The Way to Suck Eggs
8. Suede – Bloodsports
9. Combichrist - Today We Are All Demons
10. Morrissey - Ringleader of the Tormentors
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