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Not a great choice to watch after christmas dinner and some drinks. The pacing from the beginning to about middle of the film was just too slow in that "condition". The Then it got more interesting and that guitar theme was stuck in my head for some time.
hsallinen's rating:
The movie inside the mockumentary was actually quite nicely done and felt like it really was from the 70's. The documentary interview parts felt unnecessary. With the title like this I kinda wished it to be scary or creepy. But the "scary" parts are cut in parts of a snuff film and demonic symbols flashing on the screen. I liked the film inside the film quite a lot. It's story felt something made in that era and visually it fit too, I just wished that it would have been creepier.
hsallinen's rating:
1917 (2020)
Really good looking film (the CGI animals stood out though) and intense one.
hsallinen's rating:
It: Chapter Two (2019)
I haven't laughed this much watching a horror film for a while. There was not a single moment in this movie that was suspenseful .This didn't really suorise me as that was the biggest problem I had with the first part. In that film the losers club scenes carried the film with it's flaws. In this, even thought I liked the cast of the adult losers, they just weren't enough to do the same.
hsallinen's rating:
Guns Akimbo (2020)
Rating is between 3 and 3,5 stars. The film was enterntaining. The lead performances were good and there were funny moments. There were a few lower budget CGI shots that stood out.
hsallinen's rating:
This was definitely filmed like all of these Conjuring-series films imitating James Wan's style from the first one. Even the second Conjuring started to go over a bit at the end. And this film definitely tried little too hard to be scary. There are some scenes that worked quite well with the well done tension building... and then there's CGI werewolf faces or dude in a rubber demon suit.... those moments took me out of the film. So for me they went over the line with trying too hard. The Warren's are great modern horror characters and this movie needed more of them.
hsallinen's rating:
The Nightingale (2018)
The bad looking CGI birds really stood out in this. Everything else was really "good" in that rough to watch way.
hsallinen's rating:
First Love (2019)
Quite entertaining yakuza film. It had that randomness from Miike but also good fight scenes and choreography.
hsallinen's rating:
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