Seen in 2019
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Pet Sematary (2019)
Had high hopes for this before the trailer because of the Starry Eyes directors were at the helm. This turned out to be one of those "we need to keep the rights so make one fast and cheap" films...
hsallinen's rating:

Deadwood: The Movie (2019)
Just meant to watch the opening... Watched the first 45 minutes before I was able to stop. Going to finish it the next day.
Finished the film. I really liked this as an epilogue to one of my favorite series. It has the feel of the series and so many returning characters. There are few CGI things (train at the beginning and fire later on) that were quite ugly but other than that this was really good film.
Finished the film. I really liked this as an epilogue to one of my favorite series. It has the feel of the series and so many returning characters. There are few CGI things (train at the beginning and fire later on) that were quite ugly but other than that this was really good film.
hsallinen's rating:

Dragged Across Concrete (2018)
Really a slow burn cop thriller-drama with brutal scenes and shootouts that are familiar to S. Craig Zahler's earlier work. I really liked Vince Vaughn's and Mel Gibson's chemistry as a cop partners. The slow pace made it feel like you're with the cops at the stakeout car. The acting is great all around Vaughn, Gibson, Jennifer Carpenter (smaller role but still great performance) and Tory Kittles are all great. Also those masked men... Just wow, their brutality and actions. They added that Edge of your seat -intensity to the film every time they were on screen.
hsallinen's rating:

First season watched. Matt Berry is once again funny as hell here. And so is the rest of the cast. The first few episodes were really similar to the film.
hsallinen's rating:

Captain Marvel (2019)
This was fun. Nothing bad or that great but fun film to watch. Ben Mendelsohn was probably my favorite part of the film. Brie Larson's performance got better as the movie went on at first it was a bit wooden performance. Her and Samuel L. Jackson's buddy cop parts of the film were good too, their chemistry worked quite well. The humor was pretty good overall even thought there were some groaners too.
hsallinen's rating:

Otherwise an okay movie about the subject matter... but the way Emory Cohen acted and how Varg was written in this was painful to watch. I'm no fan of his person (that following on his YT is something else) Some of Burzum's music is good though. Every time "Varg" was on screen it took me so out of this film probably the best example of this is the fucking bad Joker laugh on the church burning scenes.
hsallinen's rating:

Annihilation (2018)
Watched half of this with a one friend as we were waiting a third one to come to a meetup. Might have liked this a bit more than in the first time seeing it. The bear is still creepy as the visuals are beautiful. Now that I knew what to expect out of the ending it worked better too. The score is also a great(started listening to that as I was writing this).
hsallinen's rating:

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