Irving Penn photography
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'Sensitive people faced with the prospect of a camera portrait put on a face they think s one they would like to show the world... Very often what lies behind the facade is rare and more wonderful than the subject knows or dares to believe' - Irving Penn.
Irving Penn was one of the greatest photographers in our time. His first portraits were published in US Vogue in 1944 and till late 2007 he continue working exclusively with the magazine. Focusing specifically on his portraits of major cultural figures of the last seven decades, Irving Penn Portraits is a glorious celebration of his work in this genre. Penn developed and provided opportunities for performance and self-expression at his work and explored in various ways artists and cultural figures.
Irving Penn was one of the greatest photographers in our time. His first portraits were published in US Vogue in 1944 and till late 2007 he continue working exclusively with the magazine. Focusing specifically on his portraits of major cultural figures of the last seven decades, Irving Penn Portraits is a glorious celebration of his work in this genre. Penn developed and provided opportunities for performance and self-expression at his work and explored in various ways artists and cultural figures.
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90 votes
List of brilliant photographers ♥
(120 lists)list by Nusch
Published 10 years, 6 months ago
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