She's hot? I don't get it.
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By the time a woman reaches the age of 30, she needs to stop looking like a 16 year old girl. And enough with the eyeliner already! (She's loses even more points for being married to a total douche bag.)
Olympic weightlifters are envious of her legs. And she looks like she could beat most guys in an arm wrestling contest.

Not for me.

Not for me.
Platinum blonde hair that comes out of a bottle has always bugged me. And Gwen's been doing that to her hair for over 20 years. Plus, what's with her clothes? It's like she ran through a thrift store blindfolded, grabbed some stuff off the rack, put it on, and said "Isn't this outfit cool?" No Gwen, it's not. And neither are you.
There's a fine line between being confident in your appearance and being arrogant about how good you look. Iggy Azalea obliterates that line. She seems to be so impressed with her looks. You're not that fancy, Iggy. Get over it.
Women with naturally dark hair and olive skin should never dye their hair blonde. You look ridiculous Rita! And those dark eyebrows only make things worse.
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