Yojimbo (用心棒 - Yōjinbō) (1961)
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A classic
The directing by Kurosawa is geared towards build... read more
Perhaps Kurosawa's most enjoyable movie
At once a dark comedy, an action movie and a morality play, Yojimbo is one of Akira Kurosawa's greatest and most essential motion pictures (from a filmography beset with highly regarded flicks). Though Kurosawa is such a revered cinematic giant, I imagine his films seem uninteresting and daunting for ca... read more
Update feed
" No Change 2020: 575 2019: 572 2018: 574 2017: 567 2016: 563 2015: 559 2014: 549 2013: 546 2012: 540 "
"Movie: 8/10 Directed by: Akira Kurosawa Written by: Akira Kurosawa & Ryûzô Kikushima Starring: Toshirô Mifune, Tatsuya Nakadai, Daisuke Katô, Seizaburô Kawazu, Yôko Tsukasa & Isuzu Yamada "
" 2019: 572 2018: 574 2017: 567 2016: 563 2015: 559 2014: 549 2013: 546 2012: 540 "
" 2018: 574 2017: 567 2016: 563 2015: 559 2014: 549 2013: 546 2012: 540 "
" 2017: 567 2016: 563 2015: 559 2014: 549 2013: 546 2012: 540 "
“Akira Kurasawa is one of my favourite directors as of now. And Yojimbo does nothing to make me change that, if anything like Seven Samurai, Ran, Ikiru, Hidden Fortress, Rashomon and Throne of Blood it is another of his masterpieces. Like Hidden Fortress was a major influence on Star Wars, Yojimbo did the same for Fistful of Dollars. I've seen them compared a lot, but all I will say that for me both are milestones of their respective genres and both are movies to watch if not done so already. Back to Yojimbo, as always for a Kurasawa film, it is superbly made and made absolutely beautifully with epic scenery and great, stylish use of camera techniques. The music adds much to the story, and is remarkably atmospheric, the script is a fine mix of comedy, intrigue and sudden and quite unrelenti” read more
"14.2. Blu-ray Uusintakatselu. Yojimboon päätee totutut mainitsemisen arvoiset, vaikka ne vähän jäävät vekkuli veijaroinnin aiheuttaman hämmennyksen jalkoihin. Moraalittomien läpipaskojen miesten edesottamukset näyttäytyvät koomisina, tämä joko puhuttelee tai hämmentää. Puolimatkassa pieni tiivistäminen olisi voinut olla elokuvan eduksi. Hyvä ja universaali alusta kopioille, mukaelmille ja jatkojalosteille, joista varsinkin Kourallinen dollareita ja Django mun kirjoissa yltä"
" 2016: 563 2015: 559 2014: 549 2013: 546 2012: 540 "
" Notes: This flick is probably one of the most famous directed by Akira Kurosawa and therefore I was really eager to check it out. Indeed, it is above all famous because Sergio Leone made a few years later a little remake called ‘For a Fistful of Dollars’ and it was at the time a big mess because they didn’t give any credit to Kurosawa. Eventually, after watching ‘For a Fistful of Dollars’ so many times, it was rather difficult for me to really get into this flick to be honest. I thin"
" Notes: This flick is probably one of the most famous directed by Akira Kurosawa and therefore I was really eager to check it out. Indeed, it is above all famous because Sergio Leone made a few years later a little remake called ‘For a Fistful of Dollars’ and it was at the time a big mess because they didn’t give any credit to Kurosawa. Eventually, after watching ‘For a Fistful of Dollars’ so many times, it was rather difficult for me to really get into this flick to be honest. I thin"