X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
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X-Men: Apocalypse
A good movie
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“Ranking 'X Men: Apocalypse' alongside the other X Men films, it's for me third weakest. Better than 'Last Stand' and 'Origins' (though even they had merits), but not in the same ball park as 'X Men 2', 'First Class' and especially 'Days of Future Past' (also preferred the solid if yet-to-find-its-feet-feel first film) and only just slightly under 'The Wolverine.'
There is a lot to like about 'X Men: Apocalypse'. It looks great, being very slickly filmed and photographed, production design being grittily atmospheric yet audacious, smoothly edited and with effective costumes and make-up. The special effects are of extremely good quality too, the much applauded big Quicksilver scene being particularly note worthy, and there is not an overload or underuse of them. John Ottman makes a” read more
“Ranking 'X Men: Apocalypse' alongside the other X Men films, it's for me third weakest. Better than 'Last Stand' and 'Origins' (though even they had merits), but not in the same ball park as 'X Men 2', 'First Class' and especially 'Days of Future Past' (also preferred the solid if yet-to-find-its-feet-feel first film) and only just slightly under 'The Wolverine.'
There is a lot to like about 'X Men: Apocalypse'. It looks great, being very slickly filmed and photographed, production design being grittily atmospheric yet audacious, smoothly edited and with effective costumes and make-up. The special effects are of extremely good quality too, the much applauded big Quicksilver scene being particularly note worthy, and there is not an overload or underuse of them. John Ottman makes a” read more
"December? Directed By: 2nd Viewing Original Rating: 2.5 After: 3 Favorites Before -- Favorites After --"