Watchmen (2009)
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Who watches the watchmen?
sad that the lowest rating I can give is 1 star
Just like this terrible movie.
Let's start with Rorschach. There was never a time he didn't sound like an emo teenager trying to write ~REALLY DEEP~ poetry about sex, drugs and rock and roll. He was probably one of those kids who thought he was the first person to think that people are savage.
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An audacious film...definitely worth a Watch!
Twenty-three years in the making, director Zack Snyder's ambitious and audacious cinematic rendering of the acclaimed Watchmen graphic novel (by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons) is a dense and visceral exercise in the liberation of the conventional superhero movie. Moore's original 1986 effort was a nihilistic satire which deconstructed and ... read more

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“Watchmen es un muy interesante caso de adaptación. Primero un commie/anarquista esoterista revoluciona los cómics con una obra maestra en medio de l”

" Watchmen is a 2009 American superhero film based on the 1986–1987 DC Comics limited series of the same name co-created and illustrated by Dave Gibbons (with co-creator and author Alan Moore choosing to remain uncredited). Directed by Zack Snyder from a screenplay by David Hayter and Alex Tse, the film features Malin Åkerman, Billy Crudup, Matthew Goode, Carla Gugino, Jackie Earle Haley, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, and Patrick Wilson. A dark and dystopian deconstruction of the superhero genre, t"

"Reason for the future sucking: Richard Nixon is in his third term, the world is on the brink of World War III, eventual destruction by Dr. Manhattan (although, he has tried everything humanily possible to prevent it from happening), and crime is at all time high. Year it takes place: Alternate year 1985."
“A la hora de hablar de Watchmen es inevitable compararla con su material de origen, siendo una de las principales críticas que se suelen usar para ha”
“A la hora de adaptar una obra se pueden seguir dos caminos:
1. Cambiar bastante del material original para ajustarlo a la visión de los involucrados.
2. Intentar seguirlo lo más fielmente posible para así acercarse más a lo que quiso el creador.
Con la primera se corre el riesgo de crear un monstruo de Frankenstein en el que partes muy distintas no terminan por generar una sinergia y en la segunda una obra que se sienta totalmente reemplazable al ya existir el material original.
Watchmen sufre de ambas cosas.
Es innegable que hay cosas buenas e incluso retazos de genialidad, pero también hay un talón de Aquiles y son sus intentos de ser otra de las secuelas no-oficiales de Matrix que tan de moda estaban en los 2000s, una cinta de su” read more

"2009 Runners Up: Inglourious Basterds, District 9, Orphan"
“Aunque suene cutre pues sí, la mejor película de super héroes que he visto. Tema y personajes interesantes, aunque aun carga con la dirección Snyder...” read more

" Points: 17 Chosen by: JaJlN2 (4), Chilean Snake (4), StealthRUSH (4), Rodimus (5) Previous rank: it wasn't selected IMDB top 250 rank: not included"

" Cast : Malin Akerman, Billy Crudup, Matthew Goode, Jackie Earle Haley, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Patrick Wilson, Carla Gugino What was it about? In 1985 where former superheroes exist, the murder of a colleague sends active vigilante Rorschach into his own sprawling investigation, uncovering something that could completely change the course of history as we know it. My two cents: I remember it very well, back then when it was released, there was a huge buzz about this flick. Eventually, pretty"