Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
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Terminator 2: Judgment Day Videos
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The cyborg who once tried to kill Sarah Connor must now protect her teenager son, John Connor, from an ev... read more
A "family friendly" sequel which doesn
A good improvement over the first
Because it is. Featuring improved everything, the inverted Arnie role is key to the film. Without that, the film would lose a lot of the outstanding quality it has. While the original is good, this is essentially Terminator Mark II, filling in the pitfalls of its original and far exceeding it

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" He said that he would back. And now he is, this time it’s order to prevent Skynet from taking over by protecting John Conner, from a terrifying polymorphic T-1000 played by Robert Patrick. Sarah Conner, is now a take no prisoners, protector who will stop at nothing to protect John. The film’s effects, are also considerably higher budget as well. Critics felt it kicked some serious butt, and the movie was one of the highest grossing films, of the years. Fan also believe that the series s"
“(NX) Cameron es maestro de sostener la emoción primaria, excitación de acción del espectador, sumirla en argumento futurista distópico con multiverso simple. Arnold ahora pasa a ser el bueno (ajuste con toda frescura) y Hamilton sigue siendo el alma...” read more

"Reason for the future sucking: Killer robots have taken over the world, and a nuclear war takes place, unless a cyborg with an Austrian accent, can stop a shape shifting cyborg, from killing a sullen teenage boy, and his mom. Year it takes place: 2029"
“One of my favourite films and one of the greatest movies of all time, Terminator 2 (T2) is absolutely brilliant!
I remember watching T2 on the big screen in 1991. Oh boy! That was an eye-popping experience! Never mind that T2 set new standards in sfx - Terminator 2 is a tremendous film in its own right. Great story, great setting, brilliant acting & dialogue, great music. This is flawless. It's a Sci-fi Action film for the ages.
There are so many sci-fi movies these days and the effects are so good that we've gotten used to them. Very few of them measure up to Terminator 2 though. Why? Because T2 manages to create its own visual language, and it has a proper emotional heart.
Linda Hamilton returns as Sarah Connor, the more-than-half crazed, verging on psyc” read more

"28.12. 2023 Terminator 2: Judgment Day does what all sequels should do: it uses old ideas but also adds something new in a different package. The basic structure and the premise of the sequel is quite similar compared to the first film but there are some changes: Skynet sends an advanced, shape-shifting Terminator to kill John Connor, the leader of the future resistance. The resistance sends a reprogrammed T-800 Terminator to protect John. When "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" was released, the fil"

" A cyborg, identical to the one who failed to kill Sarah Connor, must now protect her ten year old son John from an even more advanced and powerful cyborg. "

" No Change 2020: 15 2019: 16 2018: 16 2017: 17 2016: 19 2015: 20 2014: 20 2013: 22 2012: 22 2011: 25 2010: 27 2009: 27 2008: 25 2006: 24 2005: 23 2004: 20 2003: 21 2002: 20 2001: 16 2000: 12 1999: 7 1998: 8 1997: 7 1996: 5 1995: 4 1994: 2 1993: 1 1992: 3 First seen in 1991 "

"Why?: They have The Terminator, as played by Arnold Schwarzenegger, at the time. Terminator 2, Arnold would be awesome."

" Points: 20 Chosen by: Georgini (10), pdw55 (10) Previous rank: IMDB top 250 rank: "

"Directed by: James Cameron Cinematography: Adam Greenberg "

"Gross: $520,881,154 Ranking: 231"

" 2019: 16 2018: 16 2017: 17 2016: 19 2015: 20 2014: 20 2013: 22 2012: 22 2011: 25 2010: 27 2009: 27 2008: 25 2006: 24 2005: 23 2004: 20 2003: 21 2002: 20 2001: 16 2000: 12 1999: 7 1998: 8 1997: 7 1996: 5 1995: 4 1994: 2 1993: 1 1992: 3 First seen in 1991 "