The Crazies (The Mad People) (1973)
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UPC: 827058100199
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" Date: 3/11/2021 Viewed: TubiTV Re-Watch Note: The Crazies aka Code Name: Trixie is still a scary and powerful movie to watch even almost 50 years later. The movie is even scarier to watch now in the current world that we are living in with Covid-19. You get to see what happens to people when they have to deal with a virus outbreak. People go insane and the government abuses its power to make the situation even worse. The movie has a great social commentary on human insecurity and how unorga"
"21.3. Blu-ray Alkaa niin vimmatun vimmaisesti, ettÀ ensimmÀinen hengÀhdystauko löytyykin vasta puolivÀlistÀ. NÀyttely ja musiikki ovat isoilta osin tökeröÀ, mutta yleinen kyynisyys sitÀkin vakuuttavampaa. EpÀluottamus auktoriteetteihin on myös ajankuvauksen puolesta aika ilmeinen, mutta tehokas, pohja yhteiskuntakritiikille. Visio muuttuu hurjaksi nyt kun meillÀkin on pandemian vuoksi valmiuslaki osin voimassa, sillÀ skenaario tuntuu paitsi todelliselta, myös uskottavalta. Arr"
"14.9. Raivohulluutta aiheuttava virus leviÀÀ pikkukaupunkiin aiheuttaen pÀÀnvaivaa aluetta eristÀmÀÀn saapuvalle armeijalle. Romero nÀyttÀÀ pieniÀ vÀlÀyksiÀ neroudestaan sisÀllyttÀmÀllÀ helposti ohitettavia yksityiskohtia siitÀ, miten miehitystilanteessa armeijalla ei loppujen lopuksi ole yhtÀÀn mikÀÀn hallinnassa. Sotilaat ryöstelevÀt ja pelleilevÀt tilanteessa, jossa heidÀn tulisi olla ammattimaisia. TÀmÀ itsessÀÀn on helposti The Craziesin parasta antia, sillÀ"
"October 30 This might actually be my favorite non-living dead Romero film. It's a really good movie that tells an intriguing story and it does have that social commentary that Romero is known for. The movie may have not aged well in certain respects, it's still a fun movie that's unfairly overshadowed by the remake. As much as I did like the newer version, I think both versions are good in their own right and I think the original is worth checking out if you liked the remake. "
"The Crazies (1973), a US Army plane carrying an untested bio-weapon (a virus code-named "Trixie") crashes near a small Pennsylvania town contaminating the water; infected victims either die or become violently homicidal; heavily armed U.S. troops in NBC suits and gas masks, soon arrive"