Texas Chainsaw 3D (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D) (2013)
list by diabolical dr voodoo

list by VierasTalo

Texas Chainsaw 3D Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
Stick with the 1974 original
Not Bad....

Update feed

" Confirmed deaths: 14 10 men 4 women Running time: 98 mins Number of deaths: 11 5.11 mins Favourite deaths? None really, but Kenny comes very close. Coolest kill: Oh my God, they killed Kenny! You bastards! Lamest deaths: The Sawyers, who are just shot and burned to death. Survivors: Leatherface, Farnsworth, Heather Sawyer, carnival goers, and Sheriff Hopper"

" "Family's a messy business. Ain't nothing thicker than blood." Directed by John Luessenhop Written by Adam Marcus, Debra Sullivan, Kirsten Elms and Stephen Susco Music by John Frizzell Cinematography by Anastas N. Michos Editing by Randy Bricker "

"Ratted: R Why it’s rated: 3-D chainsaw violence, gore, and profanity."

"Plot: A reboot sequel to the original that finds a young woman inheriting property wherein an old secret dwells. Well, they abandoned the remake series in favor of a sequel to the original that ignores all others. Fair enough, except that this is the epitome of lazy, trope-laden, and vapid teen fodder. The opening shows promise but it's all downhill from there. Bottom of the barrel here, folks. "

"Stupid, humans will come and go, but your family never let you down. The saw is family."