Superman II (1980)
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Superman II Videos
Added 7 years ago
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The Original Gangsta of The Superhero Sequel
An average movie
UPC: 085391112020

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" Three space criminals, General Zod, Ursa, and Non, escape from The Phantom Zone, to con conquer Earth, and destroy Superman! With Lex Luthor, teaming up to take on the Man of Steel. However, Superman longer has his powers. Is Earth doomed? Can Superman save the day? The film, featured earlier performances by Richard Griffiths, John Ratzenberger, and Shane Rimmer, Richard Donner had completed about half of the film before they replaced him with Richard Lester. Both Lester and the Salkinds r"

" Three space criminals, General Zod, Ursa, and Non, escape from The Phantom Zone, to con conquer Earth, and destroy Superman! With Lex Luthor, teaming up to take on the Man of Steel. However, Superman longer has his powers. Is Earth doomed? Can Superman save the day? The film, featured earlier performances by Richard Griffiths, John Ratzenberger, and Shane Rimmer, Richard Donner had completed about half of the film before they replaced him with Richard Lester. Both Lester and the Salkinds r"

"Pros: Terrance Stamp, as General Zod and the rest of the gang. Christopher Reeve as Clark Kent and Superman. Gene Hackman, as Lex Luther. Superman Ii is a enjoyable movie, to watch from beginning to end. It’s considerably darker than the first film. While the soundtrack by Ken Thorne, is pretty decent, the one by John Williams is better. Cons: The very anti climatic ending. Superman It’s special effects can be dated at times. Three words: Richard Donner’s Cut. For many, myself in"

"Directed by: Richard Lester Cinematography: Robert Paymer "

"Rated: PG Why it’s rated: Language, and Superman’s opponents are super violent."

"Metropolis, Illinois Ithe DC Comics universe, Metropolis is the fictional mega-city where Clark Kent works as a reporter for The Daily Planet and, in his spare time, fights crime as Superman. In the real world, Metropolis is a small town of about 6,500 people in southern Illinois, just across the Ohio River from Kentucky. Why you wouldn’t want to visit: While it’s not grimy, dark, or crime filled like it’s sister city, Gotham it’s still one where something bad could happen at any"
“I love the original Superman film and consider it one of the all time great superhero films. This sequel is a worthy one. While it is uneven in tone, that I agree, and a tad overlong, the special effects are above decent and the score is superb. The dialogue is pretty good and this film is probably the best plotted of all the films put together, being not too serious and not as silly as the succeeding two. The pacing is secure, and the subplot is sweet and doesn't distract. The direction is good, and the acting is fine. Christopher Reeve is still likable, and Gene Hackman and Terrence Stamp are rock-solid in the roles of Lex Luthor and General Zod. Overall, it isn't as good as the first film but it is the first and I think only worthy sequel(the third being lacklustre despite some good mom” read more

" Directed by: Richard Lester and Richard Donner Produced by: Ilya Salkind, Alexander Salkind, and Pierre Spengler Written by: Mario Puzo, David Newman, Leslie Newman, and Tom Mankiewicz Based on characters created by: Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster Cinematography: Robert Paynter and Geoffrey Unsworth Edited by: John Victor-Smith Music by: Ken Thorn Distributed by: Warner Bros."

"The directors cut or tv version in the 80’s. Always had a kid ride off on a horse to get help. From Zod and friends. Just to be killed. “He will never be a man.” You can find the scene on YouTube."