Suddenly, Last Summer (1959)
list by ToonHead2102
list by JayTrotter
list by xolmis
list by AFIoscar
Suddenly, Last Summer (1959) Videos
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Start at the emotional TOP and go UP!
Suddenly, Last Summer is a wild psycho ride with Katharine Hepburn and Liz Taylor driving the cart to crazy town...
IMDb describes the film briefly as "The only son of wealthy widow Violet Venable dies while on vacation with his cousin Catherine. What the girl saw was so horrible that she went insane; now Mrs. Venable ... read more
UPC: 043396047525
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" Director: Joseph L. Mankiewicz His 16th Movie My 10th movie watched from the director Incredible acting, impressively adapted, and a movie that seemed ahead of its time. Some of the editing was weird and it gets melodramatic (it is Tennessee Williams after all) but those things don't take from its emotional impact. Added to Lists: Top Ten Films - Joseph L. Mankiewicz Top Ten Performances - Elizabeth Taylor Top Ten Performances - Montgomery Clift Top Ten Performances - Katherine Hepburn"
" ..., Montgomery Clift and Elizabeth Taylor"
"19.9 What a crock of shit, when in the first ten minutes I heard Hepburn's character go on this long-winded diatribe, I knew I was in for it... "
" Katharine Hepburn, Montgomery Clift and Elizabeth Taylor"