Elevator to the Gallows (Ascenseur pour l'échafaud) (1958)
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Added 10 years ago
Added 12 years ago
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A great classic
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" Notes: To be honest, it is another movie I have seen ages ago and I should definitely check it out again at some point. Well, the soundtrack provided by Miles Davis might actually be more famous than the movie itself (In fact, my father had this soundtrack on a LP and I'm pretty sure I listened to it before I even watched the damned thing). Still, even if this soundtrack was indeed quite amazing, the movie was also really neat though and the fact that it was Louis Malle's directorial debut mov"
" Notes: To be honest, it is another movie I have seen ages ago and I should definitely check it out again at some point. Well, the soundtrack provided by Miles Davis might actually be more famous than the movie itself (In fact, my father had this soundtrack on a LP and I'm pretty sure I listened to it before I even watched the damned thing). Still, even if this soundtrack was indeed quite amazing, the movie was also really neat though and the fact that it was Louis Malle's directorial debut mov"
"30.8. Louis Mallen superhypermegahehkutetussa murhailussa on kiinnostava asetelma siitä, miten täydellisen itsemurhan lavastanut tappaja ajautuu kaulaansa myöten keltaiseen nesteeseen antaessaan nulikoiden varastaa autonsa samalla kun hissin ovet siteeraavat Gandalfia kaivoskaupungin sillalla. Autovarkaat sitten tappavat itsemurhaajaa esittäessään random-turisteja, mistä syntyy kovan luokan soppa, jossa ihmisiä syytetään vääristä murhista. Katsojan oikeudentajua ja moraalikäsityk"
"In Elevator to the Gallows, Julien’s (Maurice Ronet) entrapment inside an elevator is a Hitchcockian flourish, a delicious twist of fate that essentially cuts the man, a French veteran of the Indochina and Algerian wars who’s working for an influential arms dealer (Jean Wall’s Simon Carala), out of his own story while giving him a symbolic preview of the prison sentence his murder has earned him. Some of the film’s most evocative images see Julien sitting in the elevator smoking cigarett"
"1958: Ascenseur Pour l'Echafaud (Louis Malle) "
"13.2. (Yle Areena) Olen kerran elämässäni jäänyt jumiin hissiin. Se oli epämukava kokemus. Mallen filmissä lumipallo alkaa pyöriä ja kasvaa hulvattoman suureksi loppua kohden. Väärinkäsityksiltä ei voi välttyä."
"22.10.2017 Very nice film noir style cinematography and melancholic soundtrack. But the story is average. my rating: 7,5"
"Very nice film noir style cinematography and melancholic soundtrack. But the story is average. my rating: 7,5"