Murder, My Sweet (Farewell My Lovely) (1944)
list by upidipi
list by ToonHead2102
list by Moon River
list by Ruisperkele
Cover art, photos and screenshots
UPC: 053939675429
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"1.7. 2023 Philip Marlowe, a private detective, accepts a job from anyone who is ready to pay good money to him. In the center of the complex plot is a precious jade necklace that is a certain kind of a link between several more or less dangerous characters. "Murder, My Sweet" has everything a perfect film noir movie needs: a confused private detective, violent men, deceitful women, tight atmosphere, and a plot full of twists. In a society that puts money above everything it is hard to say who m"
"Dekkarijuoni sotkeutuu epämiellyttävälle sykkyrälle ja valot ja varjot leikkivät ja katalat naiset pelaavat filunkipeliä. Danacarveymainen Marlowe jaksaa heittää huulta tilanteessa kuin tilanteessa. Kovin tavanomaisen noirin piristyksenä heiluu hollywoodgorilla Mike Mazurkin mongoloidimainen Moose-hahmo. Tunnelmaa taas latistaa ajalleen tyypillinen, salatiedon kanssa vehtaava hypnootikko-tohtori."
" Notes: I haven't seen this one yet..."
" Notes: I haven't seen this one yet..."
"Raymond Chandler's famous private eye character Philip Marlowe has been the subject of numerous film adaptations, the most celebrated of which is Howard Hawks' 'The Big Sleep'. Two years before 'The Big Sleep' came out, however, there was an earlier adaptation of a Philip Marlowe mystery called 'Murder, My Sweet'. Based on the Raymond Chandler novel 'Farewell, My Lovely' (the film's title was changed in America for fear audiences would take it for a mushy wartime musical), 'Murder, My Sweet' sta"
" Rating iMDB: My Rating: Director: Actors: Genre: The Plot:"