Make Way for Tomorrow (1937) (Years Are So Long)
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Make Way for Tomorrow (1937) Videos
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'It would make a stone cry'
Make Way For Tomorrow,showed a couple talks about losing his house by the bank because don't have resources to repay it and they call the 5 children to inform them of the problem.Unable to host both of them,suggest and virtually force them to live in different homes and cities.The couple separated out and kn... read more
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"18.1. Pankki vie iäkkään pariskunnan talon, joten on aika muuttaa lasten luokse. Kuten arvata saattaa, ovat lapset aivan innoissaan vanhempien pilatessa sosiaalisen elämän ja arkiset askareet. Raadollisella tavalla vanhuuden taakan näyttävä elokuva kuitenkin tuo katsojan eteen useita eri tapoja tarkastella ikäihmisiä ja sitä, miten koemme heidän arvonsa maailmassa. Työelämässä ja jokapäiväisessä arjessa homma ei vain yksinkertaisesti toimi, mutta hetkellisesti pitkää parisu"
" Notes: I haven't seen this one yet..."
" Notes: I haven't seen this one yet..."
"Of Leo McCarey's stunning 1937 drama 'Make Way for Tomorrow', Orson Welles famously said "It would make a stone cry." Welles' enthusiasm for the film was reflected years down the line by Yasujiro Ozu when 'Make Way for Tomorrow' became the inspiration for his highly-acclaimed film 'Tokyo Story', a regular fixture in Sight and Sound's top 10 of all time polls. McCarey himself was immensely proud of 'Make Way for Tomorrow' and when he won the Oscar for Best Director for screwball comedy 'The Awful"
" Rating iMDB: My Rating: Director: Actors: Genre: The Plot:"
"FROM PAGE TO SCREEN Beulah Bondi Barkley and Lucy Cooper are an elderly couple with five grown children. Their children are a bit self-centered and preoccupied with their own lives. Luckily, their romance has never wavered, and as long as they have each other, they have someone to depend on. Unfortunately the Great Depression hits them hard, and they lose their home to foreclosure. None of their children are willing to take in both of them, so they must separate temporarily. This separation grow"