Mr. Hulot's Holiday (Les vacances de Monsieur Hulot) (1953)
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Mr. Hulot's Holiday
A classic

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"11.5. 2024 Jacques Tati was a rare kind of a master of cinema. He didn't tell traditional stories with clear beginning and ending, but focused on situations that are always related to people's everyday lives. With "Mr. Hulot's Holiday" Tati perfected those methods that were introduced in "Jour de fête". Everything Mr. Hulot does is somehow amusing and fascinating, and he is able to turn a peaceful French vacation resort into a circus, more or less accidentally. Tati's films always have nostalg"

"23.6. 2023 What I really respect about Jacues Tati is that his main character Mr. Hulot is often just actually a side character in many scenes. This fact defines Tati's art and it proves that Tati doesn't want the film to revolve only around the character played by him. All the scenes are so full of creative gags that you need many viewings in order to notice them all. "Les vacances de Monsieur Hulot" proves how comical everyday life can be: the auteur director focuses on people who are frustra"

"13.8. 2022 Jacques Tati's first film was "Jour de fête" but it is really just a rough draft compared to the masterpiece knows as "Mr. Hulot's Holiday". The film is set in a beach vacation resort in Saint-Marc-sur-Mer where Mr. Hulot is staying in a hotel with colorful group of guests. Tati's film introduces us intellectuals who takes themselves too seriously, people who are obsessed with strict rules, kids who are just enjoying their life, and observers who are just witnessing funny and strang"

" Notes: Even though I did like this movie and even though it’s supposed to be be Jacques Tati’s best directing effort, I thought it was pretty good but still nothing really mind-blowing. I mean, sure, the whole thing was really sweet and clever but it was never really interesting or seriously entertaining. It is pretty obvious that Tati was some kind of French version of Charles Chaplin but the big difference was that Chaplin put so much poetry, drama in his stories and his characters, eve"

" Notes: Even though I did like this movie and even though it’s supposed to be be Jacques Tati’s best directing effort, I thought it was pretty good but still nothing really mind-blowing. I mean, sure, the whole thing was really sweet and clever but it was never really interesting or seriously entertaining. It is pretty obvious that Tati was some kind of French version of Charles Chaplin but the big difference was that Chaplin put so much poetry, drama in his stories and his characters, eve"

" Notes: Even though I did like this movie and even though it’s supposed to be be Jacques Tati’s best directing effort, I thought it was pretty good but still nothing really mind-blowing. I mean, sure, the whole thing was really sweet and clever but it was never really interesting or seriously entertaining. It is pretty obvious that Tati was some kind of French version of Charles Chaplin but the big difference was that Chaplin put so much poetry, drama in his stories and his characters, eve"

" Notes: Even though I did like this movie and even though it’s supposed to be be Jacques Tati’s best directing effort, I thought it was pretty good but still nothing really mind-blowing. I mean, sure, the whole thing was really sweet and clever but it was never really interesting or seriously entertaining. It is pretty obvious that Tati was some kind of French version of Charles Chaplin but the big difference was that Chaplin put so much poetry, drama in his stories and his characters, eve"

"21.12. Riemulomalla tapahtuu asioita, mutta tämä ne eivät tapahdu Keravalla tai Kouvolassa. Tatin huumori on hauskaa seurattavaa. Se saa allekirjoittaneen jopa nauramaan. Äänen, kuvan ja näyttelijöiden yhdistäminen kokonaisuuteen toimii moitteettomasti ja pidin etenkin alkukohtauksesta, jossa herra Hulot saapuu lomailemaan."

" Rating iMDB: My Rating: Director: Actors: Genre: The Plot:"
“I can’t believe it took me about 20 years to finally see another movie directed by Jacques Tati. To be honest, at the time, I actually didn’t care much for ‘Jour de fête’ but maybe it was because I had such huge expectations. Anyway, with this 2nd attempt, even though I did like it and even though it’s supposed to be be Tati’s best directing effort, I thought it was pretty good but still nothing really mind-blowing. I mean, sure, the whole thing was really sweet and clever but it was never really interesting or seriously entertaining. It is pretty obvious that Tati was some kind of French version of Charles Chaplin but the big difference was that Chaplin put so much poetry, drama in his stories and his characters, even if they were completely silent, were so much more develo” read more