Manhattan (1979)
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Manhattan (1979) Videos
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Woody Allen's masterpiece...
Widely regarded as one of Woody Allen's best films, Manhattan is an endearing romantic comedy that takes a picturesque black & white tour of the borough of Manhattan in New York C... read more
Woody's black and white Manhattan
Isaac Davis (Woody Allen) is a divorced writer of TV shows unhappy with his job. His ex-wife, Jill (Meryl Streep) left him to live with another woman and is writing a book about her relationship with... read more
With quick jokes about judaism, the city of new york, relationships, religion and philosophy mixed with the cultural side of Allen, makes this film a classical one.
A film that you will see more than one time.
UPC: 027616851154
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" Why is it so hard to find aesthetic film stills for such a well shot movie. "
"9.10. Blu-ray Uusintakatselu. Manhattania voisi kai luonnehtia romanttiseksi komediaksikin, mikÀ ei niin sanotusti ole ihan mun juttuni, mutta nÀin laadukkaalla teknisellÀ toteutuksella, erityisesti vaikuttava visuaalinen ilme, katsoisi sitÀ ihan ilokseen sisÀllöstÀ sen kummemmin vÀlittÀmÀttÀ. Elokuvan onneksi, ei siinÀkÀÀn valittamista ole. EnemmÀn tai vÀhemmÀn ÀrsyttÀvien oman elÀmÀnsÀ Àlykköjen vÀlillÀ absurditkin mittasuhteet saavat murheet jaksavat vaivatta kiinn"
"2015: 895 2014: 861 2013: 834 2012: 812 "
"Another great example from Allen how to write excellent, followable dialogue as well as direct a heartwarming romance, which happen to contain one of the heartbreaking brake-ups I've seen on film. Seeing Allen films always makes me wanna write something simple, but meaningful, or not so, and on that note I might blow off the dust from my keyboard, figurative speaking, and start writing something. Anything!"
" Notes: Back in the 90âs, I was a huge fan of Woody Allen. Indeed, every year, I went to see his latest directing effort in the movie theater and I tried to watch most of his older movies as well. However, after all these years, I came to the conclusion that it's just too bad that the guy keeps making a movie every single year. Indeed, basically, it is basically impossible to produce a great picture EVERY freaking year. Instead, he basically settles with an average movie which is just very sa"
" Notes: Back in the 90âs, I was a huge fan of Woody Allen. Indeed, every year, I went to see his latest directing effort in the movie theater and I tried to watch most of his older movies as well. However, after all these years, I came to the conclusion that it's just too bad that the guy keeps making a movie every single year. Indeed, basically, it is basically impossible to produce a great picture EVERY freaking year. Instead, he basically settles with an average movie which is just very sa"