A Lizard in a Woman's Skin (Una lucertola con la pelle di donna) (1971)
list by diabolical dr voodoo

list by Dan

list by VierasTalo

A Lizard in a Woman's Skin Videos
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UPC: 631595031096

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"3.5 out of 5 - Watched 10/2021 I couldn't decide if this was truly a 3.5 or 4 for me, so I went with a 3.5. It is by no means a bad giallo, but something kept me from rating it higher. I might rewatch in the near future to see if I can glean any insights from a second viewing. I did enjoy the resolution of the mystery."

" Josh Saco, co-founder of the analogue film specialists group Cigarette Burns, said he believes the women in giallo films are "the original scream queens." He said, "You watch these films because you want to see people like Florinda Bolkan . These women are stunning and interesting; they play these crazy roles and you're really drawn to them. So many people find their way through giallo because of the actresses: they're really important people in the genre.""

"8.7 TyylikkÀÀn rauhallisen, klassisen huoneissapuhumisen ympÀrille keskittyvÀn giallon keskellÀ tapahtuu jotain hÀtkÀhdyttÀvÀÀ, odottamatonta, on kuin elokuvan sisÀisen logiikan kangas olisi revennyt ja jotain jostain toisesta maailmasta olisi ryöpsÀhtÀnyt sisÀÀn: haukotuttavasti haahuileva hulluhko pÀÀhenkilö avaa oven, joka paljastaa huoneen, jossa kuutisen koiraa on kartesiolaisesti elÀvÀltÀ naulattu ja revitty auki ja tökitty tÀyteen terÀaseita ja ne vÀÀntelehtivÀ"

"23.6. Naista alkaa tympiÀ naapurista jatkuvasti kuuluvat orgioiden ÀÀnet eivÀtkÀ öisin uniin tulevat kuvat orgiaemÀnnÀn murhaamisesta auta ahdistusta. Poliisitutkinnassa sitten selvitellÀÀn, miksi nainen on nÀhnyt unia samalla kun murhamysteeri synnyttÀÀ lisÀÀ ruumiita. Fulcin varhaiselokuvan tunnelma on kieroutuneisuudessaan kohdallaan ja ohjaajan kÀsitys hipeistÀ on hurmaavan tietÀmÀtön ja vanhoillinen. Psykedelian puolelle menevÀt omituisuudet toimivat ehdottomasti eloku"

" In theory, this movie has everything I love: pretty Florinda Bolkan, LSD-fueled orgies, lesbianism, psychedelic murder scenes, dope cinematography, a badass title, and a soundtrack by Ennio Morricone. I enjoyed when Bolkan and other good looking actors were on screen, but there were too many dry police procedural scenes with old British guys trying to act like they're in Sherlock Holmes. Boring and unnecessary, Fulci could've cut that shit. And the plot twist was so dumb like M. Night tier"

"A very visually striking and well-edited Giallo by "the godfather of gore" himself, Lucio Fulci. I ended up really enjoying this film, especially a lot more than Fulci's "Don't Torture a Duckling" (which I liked just fine). This one was much more visually interesting and didn't feel as uneventful, even though this one had less deaths than that one. Florinda Bolkan was fantastic as the lead, and does a great job with the script. The dubbing in this one was also really damn good. I'd put this o"