Hair (1979)
list by ToonHead2102

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What an excellent musical, featuring Treat Williams at his best. This movie has it all, music, nudity, drugs, dancing, draft dodging...
The second song in the movie is awesome - why DO those words sound so nasty? Also, later in the movie is a song about black boys and white boys....with the black ... read more
A classic

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" I’ve never really been a Broadway play kind of guy but every once in a while, my significant other has convinced me to go with her to see a certain production just for the sake of doing something different instead of staying home and watching Netflix or something. Couple years ago, she took me to go see, one of the most iconic of these plays, which of course is the same one as this movie, Hair. Now, usually, I will admit that most of the few onstage productions that I have experienced what"

" Notes: In fact, I remember very well the first time I saw it. Basically, my girlfriend at the time actually picked it up saying that it was a classic and that we should definitely watch it together. Well, back then, I really had a hard time to care about the damned thing, I’m afraid. Indeed, the musicals has always been my least favorite genre and, even though through the years I have learned to be more appreciative towards these movies, when I was younger, I was not so forgiving. As a resul"

" Notes: In fact, I remember very well the first time I saw it. Basically, my girlfriend at the time actually picked it up saying that it was a classic and that we should definitely watch it together. Well, back then, I really had a hard time to care about the damned thing, I’m afraid. Indeed, the musicals has always been my least favorite genre and, even though through the years I have learned to be more appreciative towards these movies, when I was younger, I was not so forgiving. As a resul"

"The late Milos Forman takes on the impossible by adapting the free-wheeling 60's musical, Hair, and turning it into a coherent movie. The story of a soldier heading to Vietnam and finding himself being wooed by a tribe of hippies is brimming with energy and terrific songs but as a stage show, it's more an experience, a concert. By trying to add transfer and open up the film, it loses its impact, which is a shame as this is one of the great modern musicals."

"Let the sunshine in. Great song to close a great musical. PS: Also love 5th Dimension's version with Age of Aquarius."
“I already saw this movie but since it was ages ago, I thought I might as well check it out again. In fact, I remember very well the first time I saw i”
“I already saw this movie but since it was ages ago, I thought I might as well check it out again. In fact, I remember very well the first time I saw it. Basically, my girlfriend at the time actually picked it up saying that it was a classic and that we should definitely watch it together. Well, back then, I really had a hard time to care about the damned thing, I’m afraid. Indeed, the musicals has always been my least favorite genre and, even though through the years I have learned to be more appreciative towards these movies, when I was younger, I was not so forgiving. As a result, even though this movie was indeed supposed to be a classic, I thought it was just so boring. Well, I’m glad I gave it a second chance after all these years. Indeed, most of the songs are really catchy and s” read more