CODA (2021)
list by crazymetalhead

list by The Mighty Celestial

list by The Mighty Celestial

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" Points: 9 Chosen by: filmbuilder (9) Previous rank: IMDB top 250 rank: "

" Sometimes, the stars are all just perfectly aligned. CODA is, by all intents and purposes, a formula flick. Or more specifically, it's an obvious formula flick. And even more specifically, it's an obvious formula flick that made more television than it is for the silver screen. So, the question is, why does it work as wide release film? For me, as corny as it is to say this, it really is the heart. The actors perform their roles with as much endearing zeal as is possible to do within the wh"

"Sian Heder Other Notable Works Tallulah (2016) "

" Director: Sian Heder Her 2nd movie My 1st movie watched from the director This felt like a made-for-TV movie that was way better than anyone expected. The production is simple and average, but the writing, story, characters, and actors are fantastic and beautiful. It's the definition of a feel-good movie. And it didn't have to be political, preachy, or inventive. This is a rare success, and I'm so happy to see it won the Oscar for Best Picture. Added to Lists: Oscars Best Picture Wi"

" Director: Sian Heder Her 2nd movie My 1st movie watched from the director This felt like a made-for-TV movie that was way better than anyone expected. The production is simple and average, but the writing, story, characters, and actors are fantastic and beautiful. It's the definition of a feel-good movie. And it didn't have to be political, preachy, or inventive. This is a rare success, and I'm so happy to see it won the Oscar for Best Picture. Added to Lists: Oscars Best Picture Wi"

"If you weren't aware, that stands for child of deaf adults. The child (or teenager) in question is Ruby, who feels that her family is keeping her from pursuing her newfound passion for music, but she can't abandon them, partly because they depend on her. It's a compelling dilemma that puts increasing strain on both situations. The best moment is an outstanding editing choice in the third act; I won't say exactly what happens, but let's just say it lets us experience the most important scene in a"

"First viewing - Apr. 2nd I was completely emotionally invested in this from the start, & it left me a wreck. But in a good way. The cast is terrific & I appreciate the messages & the way they were delivered. There's some great humor throughout too. Happy that it won awards, they're all well deserved."