Born on the Fourth of July (1989)
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Added 12 years ago
Added 12 years ago
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Vietnam War
Born on the Fourth of July
The early sequences are meant to be slices of Americana, but they’re too hokey,... read more
A good movie
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" 2020: 495 2019: 498 2018: 503 2017: 506 2016: 509 2015: 513 2014: 528 "
" 2019: 498 2018: 503 2017: 506 2016: 509 2015: 513 2014: 528 "
" 2018: 503 2017: 506 2016: 509 2015: 513 2014: 528 "
" 2017: 506 2016: 509 2015: 513 2014: 528 "
"Remember in "All Quiet on the Western Front" when I mentioned post-traumatic stress disorder and its impact on war films? "Born on the Fourth of July" is the 1980’s take on that disorder, this time under a biopic about war veteran and anti-war activist Ron Kovic. Based on his memoir of the same name, "Born on the Fourth of July" follows Kovic (Tom Cruise) and his path to his career, from fighting in the Vietnam War, to family drama, to living in exile in Mexico, to delivering his speech at the"