Angels with Dirty Faces (1938)
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Angels With Filthy Souls
Good and bad
UPC: 012569690127

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“Had a lot of high hopes for 'Angels With Dirty Faces'. There are many great gangster films out there, some cinematic milestones, and when one talks about actors that excelled in this type of film James Cagney is somewhere near the top of the list. Really like to love a lot of Michael Curtiz's, a great and very versatile director, films, especially 'Casablanca', 'The Adventures of Robin Hood' and 'Mildred Pierce' and even lesser efforts are watchable.'Angels With Dirty Faces' blew me away. It is up there with the best gangster films of all time to me and many others, which is evident from how massively influential it is and how often it's imitated. 'Angels With Dirty Faces' is also one of Curtiz's best films, well certainly among my favourites of his as of now anyway, one of Cagney's finest” read more

"James Cagneyna tunnettu pallosalama puhdasta energiaa puettuna sulavalla gepardin letkeydellä liikkuvan pikkumiehen kehoon vapautuu vankilasta. Kulmakunnan umpikujapojat alkavat idolisoida suulasta coolia rikosmiestä ja siitäpä ei Cagneyn lapsuudenkaveri, seurakunnan katuviisas pappi tykkää lainkaan. "