Air Force One (1997)
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Air Force One (1997) Videos
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Sublime Die Hard clone!
An average movie
UPC: 043396718890

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" Air Force One is a 1997 American political action thriller film directed and co-produced by Wolfgang Petersen and starring Harrison Ford, Gary Oldman, Glenn Close, Wendy Crewson, Xander Berkeley, William H. Macy, Dean Stockwell, and Paul Guilfoyle. The film was written by Andrew W. Marlowe. It tells the story of a group of terrorists who hijack Air Force One and the President's attempt to rescue everyone on board by retaking his plane. The film was a box office success and received mostly p"

"14.1. Disney+ Uusintakatselu. Täyspöhkö patriotismiöyhötys, jossa Harrison Ford supersankaripresidenttinä pelastaa kaikki on sen tason eskapistista hömppää, jota ei enää tehdä. Poliittinen varomattomuus ja päällehyökkäävä oman kansan ylivertaisuuden vauhkoaminen on varsinkin näinä aikoina kovin hauskaa. Jos vähän vähemmällä pyörittelyllä olisi tajunnut loppua, olisi vielä kivampi. Susiruma cgi on hellyyttävää."
“One of those movies that doesn't pretend to be anything that it isn't. From the get-go, it promises rip-roaring action, and it delivers it in spades. That is not to say, however, that it doesn't have its problems. It can sometimes feel as if it's trying a little too hard to fit the archetype of action movie. Other than that, it's pretty solid, and you could do a lot worse than this if you're after a fun movie experience.” read more

" Date: 7/4/2021 Viewed: 4K UHD Re-watch Note: For the 4th of July, I wanted to watch something that is not Independence Day (1996) or Uncle Sam (1996). I decided to watch Air Force One in 4K UHD after buying it on sale at my local Best Buy. Air Force One holds a special place in my heart for being one of my earliest R-rated theatrical experiences when I was a kid. Air Force One is not the best action movie ever made, but I still consider it to be a fun movie to watch in my opinion. Air Force "

"20.1. USA:n vallanvaihdon vuoksi oli hyvä rewatchia definitiivinen President of the United States -elokuva. Presidenttiä esittävä Harrison Ford mumisee repliikkinsä kuin olisi seniili vanha ukko, mutta lentokonekaappaus tuo Vietnam-veteraanin tappovaistot esiin. Kaappauksen aikana kolme salaisen palvelun agenttia uhraa henkensä saadakseen presidentin lentokoneen pakokapseliin, mutta kova jätkä ei pakene, joten mies jää lentokoneen ruumaan tuijottamaan maitotölkkiä ja ihmettelemään"

"Enroute back to the States from Russia, Russian Nationals hijack the President's plane and hold him and his family (as well as most of his staff) hostage aboard Air Force One in order to release a captured General. A very clichéd but interesting movie with a two-fisted President of the United States played by Harrison Ford literally taking on terrorism himself on board his jet, Air Force One. It's a story that hooks you in and keeps you involved all the way. It could have been trimmed down but"

" Harrison Ford as President James Marshall Unknown to Korshunov, Marshall, a veteran of the Vietnam War and a Medal of Honor recipient, has remained hidden in the cargo hold instead of using the pod, and begins to observe the mercenaries using his military training. Marshall manages to kill some of Korshunov's men and then uses a satellite phone to make contact with his Vice President Kathryn Bennett, letting his staff know he is alive." (Wikipedia)"