Amazing Underrated Obscure Bizarre Films PART 4
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Memories of Murder (2003)
The House of the Devil (2009)
Favorite film of 2009. I can't get over how well it captures that old school horror film feel. Sick amounts of tension in this bad boy. Tom Noonan!!!

The King of Comedy (1982)
The most lighthearted and comical movie Scorsese and De Niro's warped minds ever made. But you know, that means it's still pretty dark.

A 40 year old dad gets into the club/techno/ecstasy scene and he does it with his underage kids. Fucking mindblowing documentary that debuted on HBO.

Punisher: War Zone (2008)
Looks like it was made in 1986 and was forced to appeal its original X rating multiple times in order to get a hard R. Gorey violent gun heaven. One of the rare times where me and digital blood n' gore got along.

The American Friend (1977)
Absolutely brilliant film with Dennis Hopper in the Tom Ripley role made popular by Matt Damon but the stand out has gotta be the subway set piece. That thing WILL MAKE YOUR MUSCLES FUCKING ACHE.

Keane (2004) (2005)
Very intelligent minimalist visual style for this powerful little personal drama. Excruciating in a good way. From the director of Clean, Shaven.
Yup, that's Abigail Breslin.
Yup, that's Abigail Breslin.

All That Jazz (1979)
Bye Bye Life, Bye Bye Happiness, Hello Loneliness, I Think...I'mmmmmm...Gonnaaaaaa...Dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The final 15 minutes obliterates my soul.
The final 15 minutes obliterates my soul.

JayTrotter's rating:

The Devil at Your Heels (1981)
I bet I can jump this 'ere rocket car off that big gawddern ramp and fly like a bird over that fuggin' river!
Watch me!!!
And it's all real. Great episode about this on The Dollop podcast too.
Watch me!!!
And it's all real. Great episode about this on The Dollop podcast too.

Used Cars (1980)
Gotta be a top 5 underappreciated comedy of all time. I mean Jack Warden plays two roles for crying out loud, Kurt Russell is in top form and since it's an 80s comedy, naturally there are gorgeous bewbs and funny silliness abound.

My favorite James Woods performance and my favorite Oliver Stone movie all in one package. You'd have to be extremely stupid not to check it out.

Titicut Follies (1967) (1967)
Ken Russell is a couple bicuspids short of a full set of teeth if you know what Im sayin but thats a good thing cause this flick is sick fucked up fun.

Anthony Perkins as the wacko preacher is one memorable dude too.

Anthony Perkins as the wacko preacher is one memorable dude too.

Barfly (1987)
Mickey Rourke as Charles Bukowski and it's all gold. Especially his back alley fist fights with Frank Stallone.
"Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must live."
"Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must live."

Street of Crocodiles (1986) (2000)
21 minutes of creepy, astonishing stop motion animation genius. The Quay Brothers are right up there with Jan Svankmajer.

Lawn Dogs (1997)
Sam Rockwell stickin' it to the bourgeoisie with style while making buds with Mischa Barton. This blew me away the first time I took a chance on it at Hollywood Video.

Nightwatch (1994)
Not the shitty Ewan McGregor remake. Kim Bodnia shows up again to act the shit out of every scene he's in and Jaime Lannister is your lead nightwatchman. Fantastic Danish thriller.

Quick Change (1990)
I don't call buses "buses" anymore. I call them blufftoneys. This movie is why. Blufftoney honk honk. haha fuckin' Tony Shaloub. Hilarious flick that's actually a remake of a French comedy starring Jean-Paul Belmondo and Kim Cattrall.
"You got shit in your ears!?!?!?!?!?"
"You got shit in your ears!?!?!?!?!?"

My favorite Peter Jackson film. This flick has imagination shooting out sharply of every single pour. One of the first flicks to elevate my appreciation for film, screenwriting and the wild artsy creativity it can all possess. I walked out of that theater a forever changed teenager movie dork.

Flesh & Blood (1985)
Paul Verhoeven takes a crack at the violent n' bloody medieval sub genre where Rutger Hauer chops people up into little pieces and Jennifer Jason Leigh gets naked a lot. It's as excellent as it sounds.

Zero Day (2004)
A well made found footage Columbine-esque story that will make your skin crawl and attempt to pull itself to safety. It won't succeed no matter how hard it tries.

The Happy Birthday Song ends badly. Very fucking badly. It's like a cute, quirky, dysfunctional family movie like The Royal Tenenbaums or Running With Scissors but without the cute part and a lot more of the offensive, OH NO!!!, reprehensible, and highly entertaining parts. Makes a great double bill with Miike's Visitor Q.

Fred Ward was one of the coolest, most unconventional action heroes out there! But the box office didn't think so. Fuck Neo. Check out the original bullet dodger.

There are so many startling, unbelievably memorable images in this flick that I can't even begin to list em all. Could be John Boorman's best film and it's easily one of the most commonly ignored war time films ever made.

Dogme film #2 directed by Lars Von Trier.

Plot: A seemingly anti-bourgeois group of adults spend their time finding their "inner idiot" to release their inhibitions. They do so by behaving in public as if they are mentally handicapped. Then there are orgies and caviar.

Plot: A seemingly anti-bourgeois group of adults spend their time finding their "inner idiot" to release their inhibitions. They do so by behaving in public as if they are mentally handicapped. Then there are orgies and caviar.

Freeway (1996)
A nasty artsploitation adaptation of Little Red Riding Hood with Kiefer Sutherland as the big bad wolf aka prostitute killer n' kiddie porn collector and Reese Witherspoon as Red aka the foul mouthed white trash target of prey. This is back when Reese was atomic bombs of risk taking awesome.

The Last American Virgin (1982)
One of if not THE best well rounded teen sex comedy from the 80s. Laughs, nudity, and heart. I'll never forget Gary coming home drunk to his parent's cocktail party or the raising money in order to get an abortion montage. The ending is flat out realistically brutal too. Hits you like a punch to the gut.

Main chick, Diane Franklin, has the beautiful curly haired look and actually gets nekkid which I didn't see coming. Ohhhhhhh the 80s.

Main chick, Diane Franklin, has the beautiful curly haired look and actually gets nekkid which I didn't see coming. Ohhhhhhh the 80s.

Q: The Winged Serpent (1982)
Michael Moriarity puts in an honest to god Oscar worthy performance as a pathetic, low level crook in this giant flying dragon lizard monster terrorizing New York kinda flick.

David Carradine and Richard Roundtree are the bonuses.

David Carradine and Richard Roundtree are the bonuses.

eXistenZ (1999)
Cronenberg's trippy sci-fi flick about a virtual reality video game that you jack into your spine. It got overshadowed by The Matrix when it came out but it's filled with tons of ultra cool Cronenbergian stuff and with Willem Dafoe, Jude Law and my future wife Jennifer Jason Leigh too.

High caliber straight to vhs (or straight to dvd I guess or fuck straight to streaming) Ray Liotta crime vehicle with one hell of a sweet supporting cast:
Angelica Houston
Jeremy Piven
Anthony LaPaglia
Brittany Murphy
Giancarlo Esposito
Giovanni Ribisi
Tom Noonan
Daniel Baldwin
Angelica Houston
Jeremy Piven
Anthony LaPaglia
Brittany Murphy
Giancarlo Esposito
Giovanni Ribisi
Tom Noonan
Daniel Baldwin

Clean and Sober (1988)
Michael Keaton can do no better than this. Sensational powerful stuff. Where was dat Oscar nomination you old fogies? Came out only 4 months after Beetlejuice.

Zoo (2007) (2007)
Moral of the story: Don't let a horse fuck you in the ass. Looks as if Erroll Morris made it with some Phillip Glass-esque score. Artistically bestial.

Eccentric is an understatement for this low budget comedy with Steve Buscemi and his undead mother.

And oh yeah, funny ass Ned Beatty steals every scene he is in.

And oh yeah, funny ass Ned Beatty steals every scene he is in.

French Connection II (1975)
What an ending. Only in the 70s could they end a film like this. I'll take this over the original too. Don't tell Friedkin, he might seriously kick my ass.
"Mickey Mantle sucks!'
"Mickey Mantle sucks!'

Road Games (1981)
Hitchockian Aussie road movie with Stacy Keach, Jamie Lee Curtis, and a serial killer somewhere on the loose. Dingo approved. Did I mention Stacy Keach?

Something Wild (1986)
Sincere comedy, caring drama and surprising darkness have hardly ever been combined as well as they are in this groovy Jonathan Demme 80s flick.

Ray Liotta's breakout role as Melanie Griffith's nutjob ex-boyfriend.

Who kinda scares Jeff Daniels.

And then there is a cameo by this guy.

Ray Liotta's breakout role as Melanie Griffith's nutjob ex-boyfriend.

Who kinda scares Jeff Daniels.

And then there is a cameo by this guy.

It's just Alien underwater but it's a lot better than it's given credit for. Has some really solid scares and you get to watch Peter Weller light things on fire.

Dolls (1986)
Killer toys doing what they do best. Looking creepy as fuck and slowly murdering you with tiny weapons.

Killer giant teddy bear dream sequence for the win!

Killer giant teddy bear dream sequence for the win!

52 Pick-Up (1986)
Roy Schieder leads a fantastic neo noir based on a Elmore Leonard novel.

Wonderful supporting cast. Especially Clarence Williams III.

Wonderful supporting cast. Especially Clarence Williams III.

The Survivor (1981) (1981)
Tons of ghostly atmosphere. Tons of beautiful terrifying imagery. Tons of Australians made this movie.

Pontiac Moon (1994)
LIVE BIG is the cliche but cliche for a good reason life lesson here. Road trip movie filled with heart and laughs. Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen.

Class of 1999 (1990)
Pam Grier is a cyborg substitute teacher with a big goddamn flamethrower hand. There are other robot teachers with different weapons too. It's a wonderful dystopian movie with pretty 90s violence and gooey practical special fx.

Not every flick here is a top to bottom masterpiece (well some are dammit) but I will guarantee you that every flick is filled with an OH SHIT moment or two or strives for something big n' bold n' ballsy or will be branded into your brain until the very day you die. Or just all 3. Enjoy ya rat basta'ds!
Also, some are just amazing some are just underrated some are just obscure and some are just bizarre but most of the time there's a little mix n matching crossover going on but don't expect each flick to meet all four criteria. All I know is all these flicks just need more love.
Also, some are just amazing some are just underrated some are just obscure and some are just bizarre but most of the time there's a little mix n matching crossover going on but don't expect each flick to meet all four criteria. All I know is all these flicks just need more love.
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