31 Movies/Just 1 Horror-ble Day
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The Wolf Man (1941)
Favorite Classic
For me, The Wolf Man is the best of the Universal horror films, though Bride holds a close second. This was also one of the earliest horror films I ever saw, at some point when I was a kid. The creepy atmosphere combined with Chaney Jr.'s fantastic portrayal of a character that spirals through the various stages of acceptance of his doom makes this one unforgettable.
Michael S's rating:
30 Days of Night (2007)
Favorite Vampire Movie
This film would probably double as my choice of favorite comic adaptation, as well, but it's easily (and surprisingly) now my favorite vampire flick. I suppose honorable mentions are in order for Salem's Lot and Horror of Dracula, my previous faves. This entire story, the visuals, the actors portrayals...everything, was phenomenal!!!
Michael S's rating:
Dog Soldiers (2002)
Favorite Werewolf Movie
Up until I'd watched this, my favorite werewolf flick would have been American Werewolf in London but this gem blew me away! This also would have been my choice for favorite foreign film but landed here instead. Gritty, stark, visceral...and a host of other fitting adjectives apply in liberal fashion!
Michael S's rating:
Thirteen Ghosts (2001)
Favorite Ghost Movie
I know this one wasn't all that well-received but I found it fantastic! I like all the actors involved here and the whole concept of hunting & trapping ghosts combined with the house which was itself a huge, friggin' construct designed to open the "Ocularis Infernum" (or Eye of Hell), was a unique and fresh approach to horror. In addition, there were all the creepy-cool ghosts to contend with. Yep...I loved it!
Michael S's rating:
Dawn of the Dead (2004)
Favorite Zombie Movie
Until I saw this, it was a toss-up whether I liked Romero's original Night or his follow-up, Dawn, which this is a remake of. Yet this film just blew me away! Fast zombies, a host of great actors/characters and an expanding of the original storyline makes this my all-time favorite zombie flick.
It didn't hurt matters at all to have a pregnant lady bitten and give birth to a zombie baby either. *shudder*
Michael S's rating:
Favorite Animal
There are a number of beasties that come to mind for this category; the monkey in Monkeyshines, the dog in Cujo and even the avian aggressors in The Birds...but it's hard to beat the Great White engine of destruction that is Jaws.
Michael S's rating:
Favorite Mad Doctor
Again, a number of candidates for this one; Baron Frankenstein (of which Cushing's is my favorite), the doctor from the second Hellraiser,Dr. Moreau, Seth Brundle, etc... but Jeffrey Combs playing as Herbert West has to be my favorite. The guy was perfect for the role and the 80's were a perfect time to make the film, too.
Michael S's rating:
The Fog (1980)
Favorite Director
While Romero is surely king of zombieland, Carpenter is the king of horror period. The guy is amazing and with the exception of Ghosts of Mars, which was complete drek, most of his films are among my favorites. The guy's not just a director either; you can add screenwriter, producer, editor and composer to the list of accomplishments, too.
Michael S's rating:
Young Frankenstein (1974)
Favorite Comedy
This was a bit of a harder choice for me, as I love the Evil Dead films with Campbell and Shaun of the Dead, as well. Yet this Brooks classic wins out...if only by a stitch.
"Frau Blucher!"...*horses neighing loudly*
Michael S's rating:
The Descent (2005)
Favorite Foreign Movie
Cool, edgy and with a pretty much, all-female cast; The Descent made such an impression on me that I went straight out and bought the DVD.
Michael S's rating:
Halloween (1978)
Favorite Indy
This is also one of my all-time favorites...hell, it's a Carpenter flick! Whatcha expect? ;D
This was the film that defined the slasher genre and set a bar that few, if any, ever reached.
Michael S's rating:
Phantasm II (1988)
Favorite Hero
Reggie Bannister, the ice cream man, baby!!!
(okay)...I almost went with Ash from Evil Dead but, damn, I've always loved Reg.
Michael S's rating:
Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988)
Favorite Villain
The Cenobites, in general, and Pinhead, in particular are definitely my favorites!
"We have such sights to show you..."
Michael S's rating:
Halloween II (1981)
Favorite Scream Queen
There are a few others, over the years, who have been memorable for me; Adrienne Barbeau ,Ashley Laurence and Neve Campbell just to name a few. Jaime Lee though...she's the queen of them all. No one will ever top her.
Michael S's rating:
The Sixth Sense (1999)
Favorite Twist Ending
The fact that Willis' character is a ghost and doesn't even know it! Had me fooled....
Michael S's rating:
Favorite Stephen King Adaptation
I love me some Stephen King, I really do. Even the cheesy 80's stuff that was made from his books. The Stand mini comes close for me because that book is my favorite but this tops even that for me. A host of really good actors, cool and creepy scenes (like the brother scratching at the window), hell...I loved it from start to finish and still do.
Michael S's rating:
The Call of Cthulhu (2005)
Favorite Book/Short Story Adaptation
Naturally an adaptation from a short story by my favorite author, H.P. Lovecraft, would take the cake here. Sadly, there have been too few actually good ones made but this one (which I saw this past year) really amazed me. I love the old style B&W and silent screen motif!
Michael S's rating:
Evil Dead II (1987)
Favorite Scene
When Ash's hand is bitten by the decapitated head of his girlfriend, it is infected with demonic possession. So he does what any logical person would do, right? He cuts it off, after a hilarious scene with the hand beating him up with dishes and such. He eventually replaces it with a chainsaw (which is fucking amazing in it's own right!) but the whole scene of him trying to 'kill' the hand while it plays hide and seek with him just gets me every time. God, it is hilarious!
Michael S's rating:
Favorite Premise
I like the fact that there are two killers here masquerading as one but the real thrill is the fact that this film is a wonderful satire of slasher flicks period. It instantly revitalized the genre which, let's face it, was in the final stages of putrid decay.
Michael S's rating:
Alien 3 (1992)
Most Disappointing
Bleh! Perhaps it's that I was spoiled by the first two films in this series and the fact that they were...wait for it...fucking AWESOME! Yep, that's probably what it was...mm-hmm. The first was the epitomy of sci-fi/horror and the second was the best action/horror ever made; so how could they hope to compete or compare?
Answer? No chance at all. This was a huge letdown for me and I didn't care for it much at all. Besides, they killed off two of the three survivors from the second film in the most blatant display of idiocy I've ever seen.
Michael S's rating:
A Movie You Refuse to Watch
Not only will I not watch this, I'm not even posting a pic. Why the hell would anyone think they could (or even should) remake such a classic as Carpenter's Halloween is beyond me. I don't even like Rob Zombie, so there's no way I'll ever deign to see this.
Michael S's rating:
The Fly (1986)
Favorite Remake
Now, you want to talk about a great remake? This is it, baby! I love Vincent Price and the original was good; in fact, it was one of the better admissions to the 50's sci-fi/horror genre. Yet it's certainly not what I would call unapproachable with regards to a remake. Cronenberg's revamp is brilliant and Jeff Goldblum is perfect in this role.
Michael S's rating:
House of Wax (2005)
Worst Remake
Another Price remake but this one falls woefully short. I'm sorry that I even watched it. The high point was seeing Paris Hilton's character get killed. Meh.
Michael S's rating:
Alien (1979)
Favorite Death Scene
The chestburst/death/birth scene for John Hurt's character Kane tops my list of favorite death scenes. Jawdropping!
Michael S's rating:
Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977)
Worst Prequel/Sequel
Seriously, why did they even bother with this? Didn't Richard Burton have anything better to do with his time?
Michael S's rating:
Favorite Movie
Yep! Top spot honors! Naysayers can all go to Cuba and stand on the beach waiting for a close-up of the next hurricane that blows through for all I care. This is an instant classic and the second-best sci-fi/horror flick ever made! It's also my all-time favorite...I can acknowledge that Alien is a superior made film and still say that. ;P
A host of great actors headed by Kurt Russell, fantastic dialogue/script, impressive special effects, etc, etc, etc...
Ever wonder about that saying 'a cold day in Hell'? Well, this is it and I love it!
Michael S's rating:
Worst Movie
See the chick above with the bad case of skin rash? Yeah, she was the best part of this farce. I'm not even going into detail.
Michael S's rating:
Phantasm (1979)
Favorite Franchise
With Hellraiser breathing down it's neck, the winner is Phantasm! What a weird-ass storyline! What a creepy villain in The Tall Man! For some reason every time that I watch Supernatural, I think of this series.
Between the dwarves (which are shrunken down victims), those crafty, killer spheres and the all-around, general weirdness of this series I couldn't help but love it.
Michael S's rating:
Paranormal Activity (2009)
Worst Franchise
I really hate this genre of film. I really, really hate it! Found-footage, shaky-cam crap in a can. How this series has lasted as long as it has is a mystery to me. Cloverfield is the only one of it's ilk that I've even liked at all; why can't they make a friggin' sequel to that?
You know, it might not be so bad if they took the money that they are obviously saving on virtually every other aspect of the film's creation to pay some people who can actually ACT!
Michael S's rating:
This is my own twist on the 'Horror movie challenge', which I've seen a few variations of. I thought it appropriate as a companion to my Top 100 Horror list and my upcoming 365 days of horror journal that I'm planning this year. I might even do one of these again, this time next year, if there's some variation in my answers at that time. Hope ya like it...
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