The Sixth Sense (1999)
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The Sixth Sense Videos
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In the film we see two see... read more
Review of The Sixth Sense
I can explain the plot with a simple quote from the movie:
"Onc... read more
UPC: 717951004925

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" Bruce Willis, turned a very effective performance, as did Haley Joel Osment, but let’s get real. The real MVP, of the film is Toni Collette. Who is really wonderful in this film. It also, catapulted M. Night Shyamalan into the stratosphere of film directors. Even if his career is lately hit or miss. And no. I won’t spoil the ending."

"Rated: PG-13 Why it’s rate: We see and hear Adult situations, Adult language, and language. "

" Malcolm Crowe "I think I can go now. Just needed to do a couple of things. I needed to help someone; I think I did. And I needed to tell you something: You were never second, ever. I love you. You sleep now. Everything will be different in the morning.""

" "Do you know why you're afraid when you're alone? I do. I do." Written by M. Night Shyamalan Music by James Newton Howard Cinematography by Tak Fujimoto Editing by Andrew Mondshein"

"8.2. C More Uusintakatselu. Ärsyttävä 8-vuotias poika, joka ei käytökseltään ja olemukseltaan ole 8-vuotiasta poikaa nähnytkään näkee kuitenkin kuolleita. Bruce Willis on kuollut, muttei tiedä sitä ennen nyyhkymusiikilla alleviivattua loppua. Olin nähnyt Kuudennen aistin kerran aiemmin vuonna 2004, eikä se tarjonnut ainuttakaan yllätystä. Koko elokuva perustuu yllätyksiin. Ja lapsellisen kovaäänisiin korostuksiin. Sillä ei juuri annettavaa ole, eikä se edes naurata. Katse"

"Other nominations Best Supporting Actor Best Original Screenplay Best Supporting Actor Best Picture "

" "She said you came to the place where they buried her. Asked her a question? She said the answer is... "Every day." What did you ask?" "Do... Do I make her proud?" Directed by M. Night Shyamalan Written by M. Night Shyamalan Music by James Newton Howard Cinematography by Tak Fujimoto Editing by Andrew Mondshein"

" Lynn Sear "Look at my face; I was not thinking anything bad about you.""