When I was 30... book diary (Summary)
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Top 10 (when I was 30)
Igrzyska śmierci (The Hunger Games) - Suzanne Collins
movie. I knew what was going to happen and how the whole will end.
However, the book was written in an interesting way, and it was so many
new facts not presented in the film, so many emotions, reflection, feelings,
plot twists that I really fell in love with this book, I made friends
with the characters and I cann't wait to continuation.
Villiana's rating:
W pierscieniu ognia (Catching Fire) - Suzanne Collins
free moment. I live the life of the characters, I can not sleep, still thinking
what will happen next and how it will end. I read at night under the
covers with a flashlight as a teenager. Really brilliant series.
In my mind arrange a ending scenario, I'll see if it will come true.
Today I started to read the last part.
When will it end, I will really miss this book...
Villiana's rating:
Kosogłos (Mockingjay) - Suzanne Collins
The whole story ended in the way I wanted. I cried, I read ending
a few times and I couldn't believe that this is the end...
Yes, I will really miss this book. Now I'm waiting for the screen adaptation.
So far I've seen only the first part.
Villiana's rating:
One Past Midnight: The Langoliers (Four Past Midnight)... - Stephen King
Villiana's rating:
Wiezien Labiryntu (The Maze Runner) - James Dashner
Keep in suspense and really interesting described characters,
I immediately made friends with some of them. Of course,
I more liked Minho and Newt, not Thomas. Minho is my favorite,
I'm wondering if in the next parts of this book that will not change.
I cann't wait for the screen of this book. I hope that this will be
a really great show. Really interesting to me is that in this book,
and in Suzanne Collins books as well is very easy to lose yourself.
Recently I read Eragon and Eldest, and after reading the two long parts,
I don't feel anything for Eragon, I don't feel need to quickly know
how the saga will end. Here is definitely different.
Therefore, I believe that this book has a lot of potential.
Villiana's rating:
Próby Ognia (The Scorch Trials) - James Dashner
I rated at 9, but it really is something between 8 and 9.
After all this book is very interesting, the characters and their adventures
are really great. I can not wait for the next part and
now I know I'll miss Minho.
Villiana's rating:
Lek na śmierć (The Death Cure) - James Dashner
Delighted because I made friends with the characters of this trilogy,
and I couldn't wait moments spent with them again, very lightly
read me this story. Everything was great and interesting
and kept in suspense. Disappointed because I expected a little different
conclusion. I'm glad that Thomas and Brenda, not Thomas and Teresa,
but I missed look to the future, of what happened next.
(unless the author plans to continue (?)).
After all, a great trilogy and pity that so quickly ended.
Villiana's rating:
"The Chronicles of Narnia" I liked the most. New characters,
interesting journey, it was nice to read.
Villiana's rating:
The whole story was also interesting, underground world... very dark.
Villiana's rating:
because of the beautiful descriptions of nature, the sea full of lila,
underwater world and the end. A lot to my imagination.
Villiana's rating:
Today I have a 31 birthday... (Jesus...).
This list is a summary of the period from 14 May 2013 to 13 May 2014, a period in which I was 30 years old.
Last year I read 23 books (shame).
In this list I want to mention 10 best books of those that I read.
All I read when I was 30 is in my book diary.
When I was 30... book diary
My small collection of books:
My Bookshelves
All my diaries:
My diaries
This list is a summary of the period from 14 May 2013 to 13 May 2014, a period in which I was 30 years old.
Last year I read 23 books (shame).
In this list I want to mention 10 best books of those that I read.
All I read when I was 30 is in my book diary.
When I was 30... book diary
My small collection of books:
My Bookshelves
All my diaries:
My diaries
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