Wings (1927)
list by ToonHead2102

list by Mickey Mickenson

list by Seaworth

Wings (1927) Videos
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The rest of this film is a... read more
A good movie

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“I wasn’t really sure what to expect from this flick but since it was the first winner of the Best Picture Academy Award, I thought I might as well check it out. Well, to be honest, it turned out to be better than I expected. Sure, it was probably not one of the best movies I saw from the 20's but I'm not surprised that it was a big success when it was released. Basically, back then, they apparently didn't mind giving such a prize to a blockbuster movie with not much depth and I was thinking that it would be like awarding this prize to 'Top Gun: Maverick' almost 100 years later which would obviously never happen. Anyway, there is no doubt that the damned thing was really spectacular. Indeed, before it started, I was wondering how they would manage to shoot these dogfights and I never exp” read more

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