Wild (2014)
list by propelas
list by ToonHead2102
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"First viewing - Sept. 1st Unbeknownst to me, I wound up bookending my Saturday with a pair of Nick Hornby films as he wrote the screenplay for Wild. My co-worker friend loaned his copy of the film to me after we'd had a conversation where he brought it up & I had no idea what it even was. The film mainly served as a reminder of all the reasons I'd originally been impressed with Reese Witherspoon. She gives a great performance all around, which isn't surprising but it was a little disappointing "
"Results: NOT Nominated for Best Picture ZERO Wins TWO Nominations for Lead Actress and Supporting Actress. "
"2016/02/28 @home on DVD from library with Kendra The story of a woman who, after some tragedy and a life that is just barely existing, decides to hike the PCT. Way more interesting than that description makes it sound."