The Stuff
list by diabolical dr voodoo

list by JayTrotter

list by Hexenkult

list by diabolical dr voodoo

list by jaytoast

The Stuff Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
yummy goo from the earth?
Are You Eating it? Or Is It Eating You?
UPC: 013131126396

Update feed

" WARNING! If you see the Stuff in stores, call the police. If you have it in your home, don't touch it--get out. The Stuff is a product of nature, a deadly living organism. It is addictive and destructive. It can overcome your mind and take over your body, and nothing can stop it. Enough is never enough, of The Stuff. The film featured earlier performances by Scott Bloom, Brian Bloom, Patrick Dempsey, Eric Bogosian, and Mira Sorvino. The Stuff was given a limited theatrical release in the "

" WARNING! If you see the Stuff in stores, call the police. If you have it in your home, don't touch it--get out. The Stuff is a product of nature, a deadly living organism. It is addictive and destructive. It can overcome your mind and take over your body, and nothing can stop it. Enough is never enough, of The Stuff. The film featured earlier performances by Scott Bloom, Brian Bloom, Patrick Dempsey, Eric Bogosian, and Mira Sorvino. The Stuff was given a limited theatrical release in the "

" The message: In the film, a sweet and addictive alien substance becomes a popular dessert in the United States, but soon begins attacking people and turning them into zombies. This film is a satire on the American lifestyle and consumer society. The Stuff is a organic glob from space, that is packaged as a delicious, frozen, yogurt like dessert. Only thing, is that it consumes you from the inside out. And people will still buy it. Just like when people, buy things sight unsound in mass q"

" First Viewing Viewing Date: October 12th Via: Amazon Prime Plot: A delicious, mysterious goo that oozes from the earth is marketed as the newest dessert sensation, but the tasty treat rots more than teeth when zombie-like snackers who only want to consume more of the strange substance at any cost begin infesting the world. Rating: 6.6/10"

"6.4. Hiekkakuoppatyöläinen löytää maasta sykkivää valkoista mönjää, jota hän tottakai ensimmäisenä tunkee suuhunsa. Hyvänmakuinen löllö päätyy sitten massatuotantona kauppoihin ja alkaa muuttaa ihmisiä raivohulluiksi sekopäiksi. Joskus mönjä vetelee öisin ympäri jääkaappia ja tappaa ihmisiä tulemalla ja menemällä miten sattuu. Leffan jälkeenkään en oikein tiedä, miten mönjä pelitti, mutta sen seuraaminen oli ihan huvittavaa."

"Who said b-movies couldn't take on consumerism? Legendary exploitation and schlockmeister Larry Cohen writes and directs this thinly veiled critique of greedy corporate America and the mindless sheep that take its lead. The discovery of a mysterious substance that flows from the ground leads to it's immediate commercialization, even at the consumer's sake. Not that they are complaining as this living slime is highly addictive AND all consuming. Fret not, things don't get too heavy handed, inste"

" Directed by: Larry Cohen Produced by: Paul Kurta Written by: Larry Cohen Cinematography: Paul Glickman Edited by: Armand Lebowitz Music by: Anthony Guefen Distributed by: New World Pictures"

" Directed by: Larry Cohen Produced by: Paul Kurta Written by: Larry Cohen Cinematography: Paul Glickman Edited by: Armand Lebowitz Music by: Anthony Guefen Distributed by: New World Pictures"

"1.11. Ajan henkeen sopivaa napakkaa satiiria ja piikittelyä, mutta kokonaisuus olisi saanut olla ronskimpi. Katseluhetkellä väsytti aivan helvetisti, joten tarkempaa kommentääriä ei nyt irtoa. Kauhukuukausi päättyi tähän ja 13 enemmän tai vähemmän genren edustajan väijymistä pidän kohtalaisena saavutuksena. Ensi vuonna uudestaan."