Friday the 13th Part IV: The Final Chapter (Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter) (1984)
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Friday the 13th Part IV: The Final Chapter Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
Not the final chapter but should have been
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" Jason returns, for another bloodbath of violence, he Returns to Camp Crystal Lake where Young Boy Tommy Jarvis lives with his Mother and Older Sister. A Group of Teenagers move in to a House next door to the Jarvis House. Jason begins killing the Teenagers and kills Tommy's Mother. It's now up to Tommy and His Older Sister to kill Jason and end his murderous rampage once and for all. The film, featured earlier performances by Corey Feldman, and Crispin Glover, and make up effects by the Gur"
" Jason returns, for another bloodbath of violence, he Returns to Camp Crystal Lake where Young Boy Tommy Jarvis lives with his Mother and Older Sister. A Group of Teenagers move in to a House next door to the Jarvis House. Jason begins killing the Teenagers and kills Tommy's Mother. It's now up to Tommy and His Older Sister to kill Jason and end his murderous rampage once and for all. The film, featured earlier performances by Corey Feldman, and Crispin Glover, and make up effects by the Gur"
" 13 confirmed deaths 4 men 4 women And a Jason getting his head, sliced with a machete. Running time: 91 mins Number of kills: 14 Kills per minute: 6.5 min Favourite death? Jason Voorhess, who was repeatedly struck with a machete. He went out with a bang! Coolest kill: Jason, of course! Lamest kill: Tracey Jarvis, who went out with a whimper. Survivors: Tommy Jarvis and Trish Jarvis, and possibly Gordon the dog. Note: This was meant to be the final outing, of Jason. But yeah, that didn"
"Pros: Make up effects work by Tom Ssvini Corey Feldman It made for a great ending to the series. Con: For some, this should have been the actual final chapter."
"25.9. SkyShowtime Vähän poikkeaa nelososa kaavasta, vaikkei nyt merkittävästi, mutta vähän, eikä onnistu maistumaan vieläkään puulta. Super-kiinnostavat hahmot jopa eroavat toisistaan. Ei niitä sentään nimeltä muista. Luovia tapoja ihmisen tappamiseen ja satuttamiseen sekä hienoja efektejä. Periaatteessa tämähän on jo enemmän, kuin odotin. Mihinkään tunnelmaan ei onnistu tämäkään, mutta eihän se hassuttelu-slashereiden kanssa niin justiinsa ole - pääasiassa, että o"
" "Hey, Ted, where's... where's that, uh, that corkscrew? That fancy corkscrew for the wine bottle? Ted? Hey! Ted! Ted! Hey, Ted, where the hell is the corkscrew?" Directed by Joseph Zito Written by Barney Cohen and Bruce Hidemi Sakow Music by Harry Manfredini Cinematography by JoĂŁo Fernandes Editing by Joel Goodman and Daniel Loewenthal"
" "Hey, Ted, where's... where's that, uh, that corkscrew? That fancy corkscrew for the wine bottle? Ted? Hey! Ted! Ted! Hey, Ted, where the hell is the corkscrew?" Directed by Joseph Zito Written by Barney Cohen and Bruce Hidemi Sakow Music by Harry Manfredini Cinematography by JoĂŁo Fernandes Editing by Joel Goodman and Daniel Loewenthal"
“Since I have talked about Freddy Krueger I thought it would be only appropriate to talk about fellow serial killer and horror icon Jason Voorhees, I don't plan on tackling all these movies and I know plenty of people have seen them so I will not tackle the plot like what I did with the Elm Street movies but I will say that this is the introduction of the penultimate horror hero in the form of Tommy Jarvis, Tommy is played by Corey Feldman (I wish Feldman would come back and play the adult version of him someday), and we see what it's like for him and his familiar. Plus, from this point on...Jason is a full on revenant and I love this. Also Crispen Glover's dance moves are pretty amusing.
Also woah..this movie has someone being killed via a television. In case you're wondering wha” read more
Not the final chapter but should have been
“'Friday the 13th' may have been panned by critics when first released but since then it is one of the most famous and influential horror films, the franchise containing one of horror's most iconic villains. The film is popular enough to become a franchise and spawn several sequels of varying quality and generally inferior to the one that started it all of.Liked the first two 'Friday the 13th' films, despite not exactly considering them great. Had mixed feelings on the third film, but it is one of the more watchable follow-ups. This fourth instalment for me is the second best of the sequels, and although one knows that it was not the 'Final Chapter', the general consensus is that it should have been and that there was no need for the rest. Have to completely agree with this, to me 'Friday t” read more