The Green Hornet (2011)
list by I.T.log

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The Green Hornet Videos
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While flawed, this is a stylish, fun blockbuster
The origins of The Green Hornet date back to 1930s radio serials created by George W. Trendle. The Lone Ranger was another Trendle creation, and with the Green Hornet he aimed to ... read more
Should have been a more serious adaptation
Not so good

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" Tom Wilkinson as James Reid Cameron Diaz and ... Seth Rogen as Britt Reid"

"Ouch. This movie didn't start off too bad, but as it dragged on Rogen became more and more unlikable and the editing in this killed any chance of Michel Gondry making an interesting superhero-type movie."

" Date: 3/17/2020 Viewed: Starz Re-Watch Note: I decided to rewatch this movie because it was on Starz and I haven't seen it since it came out in theaters. Not to mention, I was bored with nothing else to do. My opinion is still the same back in 2011. I thought the movie was meh back then and I still think it's meh now. The movie has pretty good special effects, but Seth Rogen was not the best choice for the Green Hornet. Seth Rogen is playing the same character that he always plays in dozens"

"First viewing - Sept. 15th I'd really wanted to see The Green Hornet when it was in theatres mainly due to my devotion to Michel Gondry, and that's what fueled my interest to finally watch it on this particular night. Fortunately it's been so long since I saw or read anything about it, so I walked into it with no real expectations beyond what I know of previous Green Hornet adaptations and the handful of names I knew were involved in this one. And evidently I'm in the minority for enjoying this"